Kamis, 26 Juli 2007

Band Land is the place to be!

Hey all...

Just wanted to give a shout to my mate Maria.....
Did Elle get her letter?? I posted it to an address from memory... I sent it to number 10... is that right? If not, Number 10 have her letter. I have also lost your email address with the computer muck up, so drop me a line babe. Let me know how you are doing!!!!

So, Band's are the new black. If you are porky, and don't have one, well you better get on over to Belgium and bag yourself a deal. I LOVE MY BAND.

We had a rocky patch in our relationship over the last couple of months, I said some things, it said some things right back at me... But we have made it up and are getting a grip!!

I am loving this eDiets thingy! Its wicked. I'm loving it loving it loving it.

I have had wine, biscuits, an Indian meal out, lovely dinners filling lunches and breakfasts and am losing weight easily. I am also finding that I am eating less... How weird is that???

I think slim fast and me were like a match made in hell. I was committing adultery to my band!! I am SORRY!!!! but it has forgiven me totally. I am on the right track now. Its 1am and I am full from dinner which I had at 9pm.

Today for instance I have had the following:

2 bananas for breakfast - just fancied it

lunch was boiled rice with a kind of curry... aubergine, onion and lentil's with tomato juice made with olive oil and sugar - but in moderation and accounted for!

dinner was braised beef and mash.

2 muller lights for a snack later on.

total cals: 1274 HOW COOL IS THAT!

I am chuffed to little mint balls.

So my new weigh in day is on Monday's like it used to be. I am really sorry for screwing about with my weigh-ins, and I didn't like not being on some kind of plan. It was not good for me to be free like that.

Next Wednesday will be exactly 6 MONTHS on since I had my gastric band fitted I will take a photo and record my weight again... But I will do it on Tuesday this week as that's when I get weighed in at tesco just this week... (see later on in this post!)

Then I will be keeping with this regime and I am looking forward to see the result for august, as I think I might finally nail the 16 stone barrier and get to those 15's. I am positive I can do this now.

Other news... ummm Well i got a right bargain yesterday. I picked up a folding caravan for £500. Absolute result! we had a trailer tent for the last 3 years, but its just about as knackered as a tent can get, although it has done us an incredible turn considering. We have had some fun times in that tent. Really good memories... anyway, My Dad phoned me up about midnight on Tuesday and said he knew a bloke who was selling one. When he told me the price I nearly ripped the phone of the cord! (well actually its cordless... but you get the picture!!)

They are about 12 grand new! This is 20 years old, but it is IMMACULATE. So i drove down and picked it up yesterday... all the way to Sussex and back. Took ages as traffic was a nightmare!!! Then when we got back we didn't really have much time to coo and ahhh over it because we had to get to the Theatre for DS's show. His show opened at the theatre in P at 7pm and it was really great. Its the first time he has done a stage performance to a paying audience and it was really nerve wracking as a parent!! He did well bless him.

But that's about it. So much for a rest now its the holidays! I need a big style break, not that its going to happen any time soon!!

Tomorrow we are of to clean out our caravan... not the folding one, but a real 23ft job that we have inherited of my mother in law. It needs a good scrub up, so we are cleaning it out tomorrow and then sleeping in it the night, then the next morning we are off to take DS to his weeks camping holiday as a 'secret agent' so that will be cool for him. Then we go back to DH's Mums pub to run a Karaoke for the evening and the following morning (Sunday... that's if you are still with me!) we are driving our shiny new caravan to FRANCE!! Then we are parking it at our chosen campsite and staying there for 1 night and coming back Monday night but LEAVING our caravan in France in Storage so that we can have it as a little weekend getaway on the north coast of France!! Wicked... Mad but cool.

So that's why weigh in will be Tuesday this week only.

So I am excited about that. TB is trying desperately to persuade TB's hubby to come with us so that all 4 of us can have a laugh and eat cheese and drink wine under the stars of the French coastline, but hes having none of it at the moment. I think she will work on him!!

Anyway, probably wont be posting until Tuesday or so, so check back with you then... also will have been weighed!! HURRAH.

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