Selasa, 18 September 2007

Feeling Happy!

Went to Slimmingworld this morning, and was pleasantly surprised to find myself 1 and a half pounds down! Oh Yeah baby!

I am now officially 17 stone 5 or 243lbs.

That's 4 and a half pounds since rejoining slimmingworld/fill number 5. I am guessing it is the fill that has helped me here, because I have been to France for the weekend and 'indulged' and also had a cake during the week. So thanks band!

I have had today:
fruit (bananas, plums, apples, grapes)
1 slice of bread
3 slices of pizza + 2 bits of garlic bread
1 bottle of red (well nearly!)

So I am kind of treating today as a celebration!! HA HA.

I have also gone swimming and walking and all kinds of other stuff.

So feeling good, and now I am off to bed. Tomorrow we have a surveyor coming around to make sure our house is worth what we say it is as we are just about to remortgage. Seems like a decent chap. Lets hope so! We shall find out for sure at 8am (I didn't realise there were two 8 o'clocks in a day!)

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