Rabu, 30 Januari 2008

11 and a half weeks since 2nd surgery

Well, its a little while down the road since my second surgery.
This morning I weigh 17 stone 4 pounds.
2 weeks ago I weighed 17 stone 4 pounds.

I am not happy, but neither am I upset.

I did think with all the exercise I have done over the last few days that I would have lost weight. But then again I did have wine every single day. I know its my secret weightloss killer.

So now I am back home and back to food that I know doesn't have secret hidden calories in (and no wine!) I should start to see some results.

Roll on next Monday.

Next fill is on 10th February with Hospital group. I am then going to see the other guy who bunk mate went to see. Hopefully we should start kicking some serious butt.

Back to the grind then. I am spring cleaning as I cant stand the mess in this house any more. We have gotten rid of over 4000 books, and that's made space for me to get rid of a load of junk from inside, into the garage. Next stop the dump! Hurrah! So I am doing a home cleanse and then going to work. Late night tonight, so must make sure I have a good lunch and a snack for later.

Will update this later

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