Jumat, 18 Januari 2008

TFI friday

Today has been random. I have felt well strange all day.
This morning I felt really sick and felt pretty like 'empty' in my tummy... but not hungry ...?
I didn't have breakfast as I didn't really know how I was feeling.

I took DH to the doctor to have his humongous inflamed bursar on his knee drained. They took 175mls of bloody stained fluid from it. It was great to watch. The doctor thought it was hilarious that I actually wanted to do it myself! DH has now got a knee, where before it looked like a watermelon under his skin.

Then I came home and did I don't know what and then i felt so grim i thought I should eat something. So i cooked some pasta with one of those dolmio stir in sauces. I didn't enjoy it, and pasta is very hard to break down with teeth. I chewed each bite well over 30 times, but it was still a little lumpy and I could feel that my band didn't like it too much, but it was tolerating it. I didn't get pain or need to be sick, so i carried on.

Eating did NOT make me feel better. In fact I think it made me feel slightly worse. I went to bed for a sleep before I had to go and do my lessons. I was so NOT going to cancel them! I am in such a good place in my head with my teaching at the minute that I don't want to wreck it. I So I slept, and when I woke I had to jump out of bed, throw my glasses on and go to work. No time even for a drink! I felt ok at first and then slowly the sickly feeling came on again. Felt dodgy all afternoon and then had a cup of tea at my last pupils and a biscuit and knew I was gonna throw. I had to use their toilet and felt horrible. Anyway... it happens.

So got back and felt awful... but I was starving. DH had made quiche and jacket potato with cheese and pickle. A slightly odd combo but edible nonetheless. I had the quiche and knew there was no way, even if I waited, that i would do the jacket potato. No way. About 5 minutes after I stopped eating and DH had taken my plate out, it was up the stairs to bring it all back up again.

So food wise its been a bit weird.
pasta, dolmio sauce, half a quiche (less the sicked up bit).

Not a good day...

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