Jumat, 12 Desember 2008

Ok people, I'm back. YEAH

Right, sorry about the month off thingy... couldn't be bothered to blog because it was just me, myself and I getting all annoyed with myself, eating chocolate, drinking wine, eating some more because I felt rubbish for eating chocolate and drinking wine etc etc infinitum.

I have however, had lots of change this month.

I now know that the work thing was my MAIN issue. Its been about a month since I started in on my new schedule and it is FABULOUS! Why of earth didn't I do it sooner?
I now work from 8am until 10pm on Saturday (No lunch break/tea break/fart break unless I have a cancellation!) Its a complete SHOCKER of a day,but the sheer bliss at knowing that when I hit the bed in the evening I have done the bulk of my work for the week. I do something ugly like 24 lessons in that time, but its lush having Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday completely free from work. Tuesday is no problem. Its a typical 3:30 'til 9:30pm job as was the usual daily nightmare until I shoved 'em all on a Saturday.

This massive change to my working week has had a number of fascinating results. I have started, ever so slowly, to get my life in some kind of order. Rather than lurching from one end of chaos to another in the daily battle to survive work, home ed, running a house, cooking for 5, being a wife/mother General dogsbody... I now seem to have moment when I have nothing to do...

Nothing to do! Geeeeez! I actually sat down today and planned all DS's worksheets for the meetings for the whole entire complete full month of January. THAT IS UNHEARD OF!

And what is more - I enjoyed it! HA! Unreal.

Things that used to be a chore have started to turn into a kind of peaceful necessity. So I have gotten a schedule for DS to do all his work and complete everything within the year - not too early, and not too late. He has (daily) 2 pages of Maths, 5 Handwriting books (trust me this is NOT excessive with the state of his handwriting - if I can call it that!), a grammar worksheet, 1 page of science, 40 spellings a week (20 old, 20 new), magazines articles to read and his reading book. He also has to tidy his bedroom and make his bed every morning. Twice he has been banned from ALL screens for a week for not completing that task and it has been carried out too.

BTW - I used to get banned from telly as a kid... now it has to be ALL screens because the kids are crafty little blighters and watch stuff on the laptop. If you ban that too, then they are getting just as much fun on the PS2 or the wii or the DS or the Gameboy. Sheeeesh. Then they have the cheek to say they are bored. *Fumes*

So, with my life calming slightly more each day, I took the plunge and decided to go back to Slimmingworld. I know, I know... You have heard it all before, but I need this. I need the weekly weigh in. I need the push to get myself going and I need the financial slap of shelling out, piking out and then regretting it. Oh alright - I need the group hug ok??? No, in all seriousness, I really do miss the whole thing. Slimmingworld worked when I had will power. It stopped when I lost it after 2 years. Now I have a prosthetic willpower, and I have been 'doing the diet' religiously all week. I haven't made all kinds of everything and trying to make cake with chickpeas or cheesecake with quark or some other rubbish like that... I have just been following the diet. Sticking to 2 healthy milk/cheese options, 2 bread/cereal options and the free food for what ever colour day I am doing.

I have been surprised at how little I have needed. I have given myself a complete kick up the A^$£ and told myself that I seriously don't need chocolate or wine to make me feel better. What I need is a bikini in a size 10 (well even a 16 would do!!!! HA HA). That will make me feel the best ever.

So here is my week in food so far:

Monday 8th December
*mushroom soup (mushrooms, onion, water and stock...) Mmmm sounds yum eh? Well actually it was
*mashed banana snack (HMS'd it all back up)
*Lentil curry sans rice (onion, lentils, tomatoes and curry power)
*2 slices wholemeal bread (toasted to within an inch of tinder)

Tuesday 9th December
* 1 slice wholemeal immersed in 1 egg battered around a bit and thrown int' frying pan.
*1 can spaghetti in tomato sauce
*1 can of baked beans in tomato sauce
*28g cheese
*strawberry yogurt
*orange juice

Wednesday 10th December
*28g porridge oats made really runny
*Philadelphia Splendip
*Can of spaghetti in tomato sauce with 28g cheese on 2 slices toast
*minuscule portion of vegetable lasagna and salad

Thursday 11th December
*Diet chef meal - left over from my last crazy health kick- the pasta and tomato one (yuk)
*jacket potato with baked beans and 28g cheese
*4 dark rye ryvita crackers on their own as snacks throughout the day (YUMMMM!!!!! Seriously - these are great)

Friday 12th December
*tuna mixed with yogurt and blended to make a pate (or something resembling very wet cat shit) on ryvita - HMS'd the lot, then revisited it later when I got over the stench.
*prawns and smoked salmon in home made cocktail sauce (light mayo & tomato sauce) with a bit of green salad
*1 large fresh fruit pot - grapes, melon, mango etc.
*mango smoothie - just mango and a little milk.

Hows that... Not bad! That's ace that is. Obviously those who know how the band works will know that the portions are about the same size as you would give a scrawny hamster, but its a nice well rounded pile of food this week.

So next on my hit list... dunno. I am really in quite a pleasant and, dare I say, Smug mood? I feel content and happy. I would feel even more content had I not got to get up and go to work in 7 hours. *sigh* But as I said, its all over this time tomorrow. Yay!

Weight wise, I have been steadying out at the 16 stone 8 mark. I was 16 stone 8.5 at slimmingworld on Monday, so that's a good place to go from. My lowest was 15 stone 6 just before I went to Malta back in June. I have not been good AT ALL since then, as we all know and coupled with the disaster that was the Unfill from hell, I am pretty stoked to only be a stone heavier. Most of the weight gain came on after the unfill and I just haven't bothered to get rid of it again... so here we go peeps. Watch this space because this time I truly am determined.

Today marks the start of my daily blog again too. I really enjoy writing this diary, and from the emails I got whilst I was not 'in the mood' you do too. Thanks everyone.

Right, lets get down to some fat busting...

Oh, and P.S... our new lodger is a HORROR. We all hate her and hope she moves out soon. Lets hope she reads this blog! Will tell you more tomorrow. *shudderz*

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