Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Is Wu Long Tea Safe?

The Safety Of Wu Long Weight Loss Tea

Wu long tea is a tea designed to improve your total wellness. There is nothing wrong with drinking this type of tea. Rumors across the internet have stated that this kind of tea is somehow dangerous for your health but honestly we think that that is not so right. On this post we are going to tell you a weight loss tea story that happened exactly one year ago on the same date as today. The reason why we wanted to start and write this post if first of all because there are many interesting things that happen since that experience and because our blog is about weight loss and natural ways of losing weight and teas that can help you do so we decided that is' time to start receiving at least some kind of feedback for what we write here from our friends that are in China now and that we salute through this post.

So the weight loss tea story that we are going to talk about today is actually something more like a personal family story for one of our close friends but it is so impressive that we decided it is time to share it with you all.

Exactly one year ago we and our three most close friends and their wives went to China for a month, willing to spend some time in order to learn their customs and traditions and instead maybe discover the truth behind the weight loss tea of the Chinese provenience that everyone is talking about. It was winter and it was after the New Year so we had everything we ever wanted with us. However, my friend Jimmy and his wife are having weight issues for some time and they have been rambling for a year now how they met a well instructed person from China who promised them that he is going to make everything possible in order to introduce them to a very good master of the tea ceremony that is going to show them how the real Chinese weight loss tea works. However, while they were saying all these stories I couldn't really just take it as it was and believe them because there are many other issues and things that attack in a way or another these kinds of products and screaming scam don't buy those are just making a bad market for the time being. Well, I decided to remain a skeptic until I see something like this with my own eyes, in China of course.

And here we are now we arrived to the promised land of weight loss tea that everyone was so tempted to step on. Nothing special. Land like land. Everything was going like we planned. This shouldn't scare you so much. The next day we arrived at that person that talked to our guys about the incredible issue and how he is really having that kind of success with tea that promises you to lose weight and not only. Nevertheless, when we arrived, I saw a tiny little skinny man that bowed and carefully saluted us. My friends didn't recognize him from the first glance because they though that this has nothing to do with that guy from USA that told them about the great product that he is going to show and prove that it is effective. He lost a lot of pounds and was shining like a new born. When Jimmy and his wife asked him if he was that person hi smiled and answered: "Wu long tea!"

For me it was nothing special as I couldn't make the difference as we both me and my wife had no clue how he looked like before. However, we had to take it by the words of our friends out there. He invited in his house for dinner and because we were tired and it was far away from the place or we were staying he offered us to demonstrate and prove once again that not only the wu long tea is beneficial for one's health but every Chinese weight loss tea is that good. He disappeared and when he came back he showed us in his hand some tea: "Wy Yi Chinese Weight Loss Tea..." he said. It looked like ordinary green tea but still we had to see what he planned for us in the next few hours.

"Organic weight loss tea" - he said pointing with the middle finger of his left hand to the palm where he was keeping that tea. It helps you live longer, be more beautiful, enjoy life, be happy and the most important (especially for you Americans he said) is that it also burns calories and make you get rid of the unwanted belly fat. He also mentioned that it is nothing wrong with the fact that most westerners are skeptic about this as he personally wants to make sure that it works that way. The Chinese who produce the famous weight loss tea don't want you to know it's secret and that is why we pushed these rumors in your society to make it more confusing. Then it was silence and after a few minutes we asked when to drink wu yi tea? Who asked that, he wondered. And we didn't know either because it was something that just happened to us suddenly and we didn't want it to happen to each and everyone of us. It was something that happened so fast that we had no clue that this might be the answer for the question being there. Now, when something similar to this happens you should know what is the secret of the Chinese weight loss tea in the long run. It has great properties that just help you. We aren't going to push a scientific wave of explanations here but that being said we are still going to make it more comfortable for you to achieve and understand that state of mind that is being offered by many of those who can't explain it.

Chinese weight loss tea, he said, is not something just for the body, it helps the soul also achieve that kind of state of mind that everyone needs in order to be able to concentrate on their will to conquer the weakness inside them. We are here to offer you the possibility of doing so. However, after he finished explaining what was really going on there someone from our expedition crew asked "Is Wu Long Tea Safe?".

He raised his kind eyes and being flatted by what was really going on mentioned that nothing that deep ever influenced him and he is going now to offer us a cup of wu long tea so that we can all say is it safe or now. He made himself first tea, drank it and while waiting for the water to boil for the rest of us and starting to prepare the tea he said: "See, wu long tea is totally safe". If you westerners believe that it is not and that it doesn't work with weight loss and so many other unimportant issues then we have nothing to say to this. Let me explain you guys something about life. If you are willing to do something and make it right, if you are really trying to work it out in a way or another it is necessary for you to prove that it is working and only with that condition in your mind you are going to achieve that success that you are looking for. In your case it is all about weight loss and the big huge debate in your country about the fact that is weight loss tea effective? Does it really work and so on. However, it does. Chinese weight loss tea can help you lose weight if you are willing to learn how to do it.

The next day we woke up and realize that no one of us eat supper and we weren't hungry at all. Is this the wu long tea? - one member of our crew asked... It might be.. Jimmy answered. This is one of the most interesting experiences ever. Finally we realized that the little man was telling us. If you are really willing to spend some time and learn what can wu long as a chinese weight loss tea do to your health and how it can actually efficiently help you lose weight then there is nothing we can say in order to clear the mind and expain the difference between right or wrong.

Yes, we can say that wu long tea is safe!

This is it, here ends our story.
Huang Jiung

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