Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Carbohydrate Blockers

Carbohydrate blockers cause unpleasant side effects and deny the body of important vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. Here's why:

Side Effects
It is claimed that carbohydrate blockers permit carbohydrates to pass through the body undigested. The side effects of this process include gastrointestinal upset and excessive wind.

Poor Nutrition
Carbohydrate is the body's preferred fuel source: many carbohydrate-rich foods offer vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. So when you block carbohydrates, you deny your body important nutrients.

Safety Issues
People with a medical condition should be wary of carbohydrate blockers: especially people with Diabetes.

Lack of Effectiveness
The manufacturers of carbohydrate blockers claim they can 'block' up to 1125 Calories per meal, helping people lose 5kgs in two months. These results are by no means remarkable. At the Wesley Weight Management Clinic our heaviest client group loses an average of 7.9kgs in one month, 15kgs in three months and 21kgs in six months.

So when it comes to healthy weight loss there's no quick and easy solution: you need to change your lifestyle by eating a healthy balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise.

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