Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

The physical

It's official, I'm healthy as a horse! I had my physical today and for the first time in years I didn't get the "you need to lose weight" speech. 

Plus, my doctor took me off my blood pressure medication. I'd sort of stopped taking it anyway. I'd take it sometimes, if I remembered. Most of the time I forgot about it. I know that wasn't very smart, but I knew my blood pressure was fine. I own a blood pressure machine and actually would take my own blood pressure a couple times a month. Now I have the good doctor's blessing to stop the medication.

The medication was a mild dieuretic, in the lowest dosage possible. I didn't take it this morning and my blood pressure was 116/62 this afternoon-- which is awesome! When I weighed 240 it was 180/110, which is ridiculously dangerous. Scary dangerous. I didn't exercise then either, not at all, except moving my hand to my mouth. Now I work out a minimum of six hours a week, usually more.
I swear I will NEVER go back to that weight or that lifestyle again. It's like night and day between how I felt then and how I feel now, and now is so much better!

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