Senin, 16 Maret 2009

Still sick

Even after sleeping almost 24 hours straight with the help of Nyquil and a variety of other cold medications, I still feel lousy. I'm sneezing and coughing and sweating. That's the part I hate the worse, sweating when I'm not even moving. I feel gross and miserable...poor me!

I'm staying home from work, although I'll have to work part of the day from home. I have a presentation to give on Wednesday and it's not finished. 

I can't remember the last time I ate a regular meal. Maybe Saturday morning? Anyway, I'm going to get back to regular meals and counting Points. Yesterday was tomato soup and some Weight Watcher ice cream bars. Not exactly a healthy menu.

No gym today and that's killing me. This is day number three of not working out. That's the most days I've missed consecutively since February 2008. If I feel better later today, I might go for a walk. Although the weather looks horrible. No spring days here. Just cold and wet and dark skies...stupid Pacific Northwest.

Instead of working out I did look at some online videos on how to get Michelle Obama's arms. I need to mix up my arm routine since it's getting stale. I'll give these exercises a try during my next workout, which will hopefully be tomorrow.

Now that my head feels like it's going to explode, I'm going back to bed for a nap. Breakfast doesn't seem that important right now.

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