Rabu, 01 April 2009

On the road

A quick post before I head off to the airport. I read my post from last night. All I can say is what a whiny baby I can be at times.

I'm actually looking forward to today's trip. It'll be fun meeting new people and getting out of the office for the day. Airline employees are notorious for being a fun group of people to work with. It's something about the industry that attracts a certain kind of people. So in actuality, I know this is going to all be okay.

I'm not worried about the food. I'm more of a closet over eater anyway, if anything, this will be good for me. The exercise, I'll fit it in somehow. I'm taking my gym bag with me and hoping I'll have energy for a workout tonight before I come home. It all depends what I feel like after my 14-hour day.

Right now I'm more worried about the lines at security because I heard Mt. Redoubt blew again last night and flights going to Alaska were canceled again (over 300 flights canceled in the last week, not good for business). I can always use my badge and bypass the line, which is probably what I'll have to do. The joys of air travel.

Also, I tried on my size 10 pants last night and they still fit, even a little loose. Woohoo!

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