Kamis, 23 April 2009

Ouch! That one hurt.

I had an interesting comment left today on my post "confessions of the scale obsessed". It was left by "anonymous". I just read it after a very long day at work (I just got home and it's 10pm). The comment made me cry, in fact, I'm still crying over it. Perhaps I'm too sensitive to let an anonymous comment get to me like it did, but it really hurt my feelings. Apparently anonymous doesn't like me very much.

The comment said 1.) that I seem stressed out all the time and 2.) that I put other people down if they have different opinions than me and refer to those people as "them" and 3.) that I seem "kinda" hostile.

True, I am a bit stressed out. My work is out of control right now. There aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. That part didn't hurt. Although I think they were referring to my stress about my weight.

However, saying that I put people down cut me to the quick. I have honestly never meant to put anyone down. That's never been my intent. Usually I put myself down. When I said others aren't weighing themselves but that I couldn't do that, I really meant that I admire "them". I wish I wasn't obsessed by the scale,and that I could just not weigh myself and not be worried about it.

hostile: having an intimidating, antagonistic, or offensive nature

Hostile? Me? Wow, I didn't realize I appeared hostile. I certainly don't think of myself that way, and most people I work with and are friends with would never say that about me. At least I don't think they would. I'll have to ask around tomorrow if I appear "hostile". Maybe I just appear hostile on my blog, although I'm very puzzled by being called hostile.

I truly don't understand the point of leaving an anonymous comment that's so hurtful. I may appear to be a bitch to you, but I would never in a million years do that on someone's blog, regardless of what I thought of them. Really, what is the point? If you don't like someone it's really easy to just not read their blog.

Whoever you are, please know that you were just the icing on my cake of an absolutely shitty day. Hostile? Perhaps I am now. I wasn't feeling that way until I read your freaking comment. Oh, and I especially like the part that I put people down, that I seem hostile, and then you say "but you're probably a nice person". Yeah, right. I'm sure you really think that about me.

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