Rabu, 29 April 2009

The race is on!

I must be crazy or stupid or both. A girlfriend of mine has been doing Medifast for the last 14 weeks and has lost 47.6 pounds. She needs to lose 25 more pounds to lose to reach her goal of 160 (she's 5' 9"). I've been doing Weight Watchers for 14 months, and I still have 20 more pounds to lose to reach my goal of 135 (I'm 5' 6 1/2").

She hasn't exercised once in 14 weeks (she's never been into exercise). She eats all pre-packaged liquid food (soups and shakes), and gets one "real" meal a day consisting of 6 ounces of chicken or fish and 1/2 cup of vegetables. The diet is about 800-900 calories a day. It sounds horrible to me, and I would never do anything so extreme to lose weight (okay, the old me would, but the new me, no way!).

The reason I'm crazy/stupid is because I agreed (actually suggested) a little friendly competition. Whoever gets to goal first wins. The prize is to pay the other person $1 for each pound lost. That will be $104 she'll pay me if I win, and about $75 I'll pay her if she wins.

The reason I feel like this was an idiotic idea on my part is because how on earth can I win when she's only eating 800-900 calories a day? Even if I really cut back and just consume my 19 Points a day, plus five extras, or 24 Points, that's still 1200 calories. I do exercise a lot. Lately I work out 1 1/2 hours in the morning, and if it's not raining, then an hour long bike ride at night (but I live in Seattle so it rains a lot!). I'm burning about 800 calories in exercise a day when I go to the gym and bike at night, if my heart rate monitor is correct. It usually displays half of what any machine displays so I think it's accurate.

I guess it doesn't matter. I made the commitment and there's no backing out now. I know it's going to make me be very diligent about tracking my food and drinking water so maybe this is a good thing. At least it'll get me back in the game and with any luck, $104 richer.

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