Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

153.2 and I feel like hell

It's official, I'm into new fat territory.

5/3/2009 weigh-in: 153.2 pounds

Total lost: 86 pounds

Pounds to lose to 135 goal: 18.2 pounds

How I feel: Like crap

I seriously don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I'm running on empty. I'm shaky and weak. If I bend over and stand up too fast I get dizzy and see stars. I've felt like this all week. What's wrong with me?

I've been over my bronchitis and coughing for at least a week. I'm completely off my codeine cough medicine. I'm taking my vitamins, eating all my Points (19 + 4 AP + 5 Flex...or 28 a day and sometimes more). I'm not starving myself, although I am very hungry. The only thing I'm doing differently is killing myself with the exercise.

Each day during the week I go to the gym, never later than 5:30am, and work out for 1 1/2 hours. At lunch I've been walking for an hour, as long as it's not pouring down rain. At night I do an hour bike ride as long as there's no rain (stupid Northwest weather). The walking and biking don't seem like exercise since they're fun.

On weekends I work out a little longer at the gym, yesterday my heart rate monitor said I burned 666 calories in one hour and forty minutes. I noticed the "666" and thought great, the mark of the devil. Whatever. My heart rate monitor always says about 1/2 of what the machines say so it's pretty accurate.

I just don't know know why I feel so weak and light headed. I told my husband this morning that if I'm late eating a meal I really feel like I'm going to pass out. The first thing I do when I get home from my morning workouts is make breakfast and God help you if you get between me and my food. Hint: stay out of the kitchen when I'm making breakfast.

My only hope is when I reach maintenance I can cut back a little on the exercise and maybe I won't feel so crappy. I really felt my best at 160. I felt healthy then. Now, not so much. Now I just feel tired and weak. Not muscular weak since I can military press 70 pounds, but a general weakness and exhaustion that I can't shake. Being thin isn't really my goal, feeling healthy is my goal. Whatever is wrong with me I sure hope it passes soon. Anyone else feel like this as they neared their goal weight? Does it eventually pass?

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