Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

Cat scratch fever

Stupid out-of-his-ever-lovin'-mind cat
His name is Walter. He's 17 years old. He's blind and deaf. Normally, he's a sweet, docile little cat that sleeps about 23 hours a day. This morning he attacked me. I was holding him, cuddling him, he was purring when he latched onto my forearm and wouldn't let go. I was screaming every curse word I know as I tried to unlock his vise grip jaw from my arm.

When my husband came running in to see what was wrong, I was sobbing and blood was flowing freely from the three puncture wounds on my arm. Thank God we just had one of his incisors pulled a few months ago during his $375 dental cleaning or he might have actually taken a chunk out of my arm. I washed my wound, bandaged it, and took Ibuprofen.

It's now six hours later and my forearm looks like it has a Cadbury egg underneath the skin. The pain is a burning and achy kind of pain, and actually, kind of excruciating. It's traveling up my my arm and now the entire arm hurts.

I know a little about cat bites from a bite I got several years ago from a stray. It's one of the worse bites you can get. When you see the red lines going up your arm towards your heart, get thee to an emergency room pronto. As the ER doctor told me a few years ago you can die from a cat bite. So far no red lines but it hurts like hell. I probably should just go to the walk-in clinic before they close, otherwise I'll probably be in the ER tonight. Been this route before.

I think Walter had a moment of kitty dementia. I think Walter's days may be numbered. I'm not accustomed to being bitten by my own cat in my own home. My husband, the big animal lover, even agreed it might be Walter's time. I guess it depends if he continues the crazed-cat-I-want-to- kill-you behavior.

On the weight loss front (this is a Weight Loss Journey blog, so I should probably say something about weight loss.

Up two pounds this morning to 158.4. Absolutely no exercise yesterday, not even the bike ride. Yesterday I had pancakes with warm raspberry sauce for breakfast (WW recipe, but still), a whole turkey sandwich for lunch (if I eat sandwiches, always just 1/2 sandwich), and Szechwan chicken stir fry for dinner. Too much food! Cutting back today and going to the gym, maybe after I leave the clinic with my antibiotics. Yes folks, I'm a machine.

Note: Well damn it Walter...I just Googled cat bite treatment and it says I MUST see a doctor for antibiotics or I can die from a viral infection that could very well set in from the bite. I know that's what happened last time (obviously I didn't die, but I did get a really bad infection that involved IV drip antibiotics). I'm also feeling kind of nauseous and like I have a fever. I just took my temp and it's 99.6. So I'm off to the walk-in clinic. Freakin' fun weekend here.

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