Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

Day 1 - I don't remember it being this hard

It's almost 10 p.m. and thank God Day 1 is almost over of my 7-day "I'll actually give a damn and will give this 100% of my effort".

I'm so tired right now I can barely sit here and type this. Stupid, dumb, sucky hot yoga class. I thought maybe I didn't get enough torture on Sunday so I went to another 90-minute hot yoga class tonight.

Let me just say this one more time...I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I'm never going back there, I'm done with it. I spent the last 30 minutes of class laying flat on my back with the Nazi at the door refusing to let anyone out. Plus, somehow I wound up next a space heater so I'm pretty sure where I was laying it was 150 degrees, not 105 degrees. I've never been so nauseous in my whole life. It was like being sea sick but I wasn't on a boat. I wish I would have just said to hell with it and walked out. What would they do, never let me come back?

I came home drenched in sweat again, shaking because I was so sick feeling, and horribly nauseous. Jack thinks I got heat stroke and he may be right. Whatever, I'm really done with it. They can keep their stinkin' $8 for the eight classes I'm not going to take.

I got on the scale this morning. Bad news. I weigh 159.2. Ugh! I was 151.4 two weeks ago, although I was weak and sick feeling. I was 156.2 just two days ago. Four pounds in two days. Hmmm...what could have caused that? Possibly all the food I've been eating? Nothing terrible, just a some extra here and there, and it all adds up.

My new plan is to cut out all the crap, meaning all the dieter's junk food...sugar-free candy, sugar-free ice cream, sugar-free coffee creamer, that kind of stuff. It tastes like shit anyway so I don't even know why I eat it. Also no eating after 8pm. I've always thought that was a stupid Oprah rule, but I need to put a stop to the late night grazing I've been doing.

Note: I've already blown two things. I didn't get home until 8:30pm from yoga so I had to eat something. I had a chicken breast, and get this, a very small, sugar-free vanilla ice cream cone. That was my dinner. Totally stayed within my Points today, 24 total. I'm allowed 19, but my 7 activity Points, so 26 for today.

My Exercise
I'm rockin' it at the gym these days. My workouts are awesome. I've increased my weight lifting time to 45 minutes. Plus I haven't seen gym-guy-that-likes-to-touch-my-sweaty-biceps (ewwww!) all week, so it's been a really good week so far. Of course, I've been avoiding the area where I know he works out. Luckily it's a huge gym so I have three weight rooms and two cardio areas to choose from.

I read this great book that's really helping me change my workouts. Fewer reps, three sets, and heavier weights. I can really feel it. My arms, legs and back are really sore, for the first time in months. The book is Hers a Woman's Guide to Weight Training: Weider Books/Muscle & Fitness, but it's out of print. I guess I've had it for a few years, just never read it until last weekend.

30-minutes Crossramp

Strength (45 minutes)
Military pushups with upside-down Bosu ball - 3 x 10
Lateral pulldown - 12 @ 65 lb. / 10 @ 67.5 lb. / 8 @ 70 lb.
Deltoid Raise - 12 @ 40 lb. / 12 @ 42.5 lb. / 8 @ 45 lb.
Military Dumbell press - 12 @ 20 lb. / 10 @ 20 lb. / 8 @ 20 lb.
Tricep rope pulldown - 12 @ 40 lb. / 10 @ 41.25 lb. / 8 @ 42.5 lb.
Concentrated Bicep Curls - 12 @ 20 lb. / 4 @ 25 lb. <-----obviously 25 pounds is still too heavy for me!

The Copper River salmon are back! My favorite fish. Woohoo!

Posted today in our online company newsletter:
Preliminary numbers show that --shall remain nameless-- Airlines transported 162,000 pounds of Copper River salmon out of Cordova on eight separate flights, including two freighters, on May 19. That followed the second 12-hour Copper River opener of the year.

That is very likely a record for the amount of Copper River salmon transported in a day and 100,000 pounds more than was shipped on the opening day Friday. The salmon season is off to a solid start with commercial fishermen near Cordova scooping 1,549 kings and 20,216 sockeye out of the water on opening day.

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