Jumat, 19 Juni 2009


Everything is going okey dokey. Fill booked for Sunday (21st June) so that will be good. diet going well, not had any blips or mess ups this week. I have definitely used my syns allowance each day though!! HA HA.

Thought I would show you a nice little lunch I prepared which was exceedingly tasty. Made the sauce from a teaspoon horseraddish sauce, juice from half a lemon, loads of dill and teaspoon of olive oil, teaspoon of sugar and water to thin. (oil and lemon makes a thick sauce) Its homemade so at least I can work out how many calories/syns are in it and it tasted yummy. My first option would have been to smother the salad with salad creme, or shop bought dill sauce, but that's too fattening in the quantities I like it!!

So, here is Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Salad. Yum.

Oh, and by the way, I ate ALL of this and pudding!

Today I had 2 poached eggs on a slice of dry toast, some plain noodles for lunch and just had chicken stir-fry for tea.

The poached eggs were a little bit 'out there'. I grabbed what I thought was celery salt from the spice draw and gave it a good shake, only to realise after the second shake that it was in fact ground cloves. Gulp. So, I wiped the excess off, leaving yellow eggs with minimal (but essentially loads of) ground cloves on them. I decided adding celery salt at this stage would be a bad idea, so what a surprise to find that it actually made them rather more palatable than just plain. It is probably not going to be a recurring event, but it was not unpleasant either and I finished them all up.

DS is visiting Granny this week. He went on Wednesday to stay the night. then we got a call... "can I stay another night?" Of course!! So its now Friday, and he is due back on Monday! Its extremely weird not having him about the place. Home schooling means that you have you child with you 24/7 and absolutely NO time to yourself. I honestly don't mind this, but it has been seriously nice to just get up when I want, do what I want, go shopping, have a coffee with a mate, go for a walk - in PEACE! Also little Geoffrey has gone with him, so that's even more of a break!

Our new lodger Charlotte moves in on 27th June too, so that will be nice. She is very young, just 19, but has been renting a flat in the village where we live. She seems to have her head screwed on because she decided to rent a room somewhere rather than continue with the lease because it was crippling her financially. She wants to go to Australia in 2010 so this way she can save loads of money to do that. Looking forward to her arrival.

Also, we just booked a beach holiday in Crete. I am Sooooo looking forward to that already! 4* all inclusive on the beach. Czech republic was fabulous, but it was a doing' holiday. this will be a complete 2 week slob out and book reading fest. Great.

Diet and fitness wise, I spent 37 minutes exercising today. I used the Wii Fit for about 4 sessions of hula hooping, and then a 3 minute jog on the spot. Then it unlocked Free Jogging, so I thought I would give it a go. I did a 10 minute jog - up and down the front room as jogging on the spot is killing - and ran 3k according to there guide. I don't know how accurate that is, but the 10 minutes is dead on! Then I did a 10 minute step thing and really flung my arms about. I was well proud of myself.

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