Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

Eating disorders

The term of eating disorder can mean many different things to different people. There are many types of eating disorder and we can develop these disorders for variety of reasons.
Eating disorder is a serious problem. More than 5 million people in the United States have an eating disorder. It can cause severe emotional or physical problems, and even can lead to death.

What is eating Disorder?
This is a complex illness because is not only about the food, it is also about

Characterized by a disturbed sense of body image and a fear of obesity that show up as abnormal patterns of handling food, constantly thinking about being overweight, and disturbed eating patterns,

Eating Disorder categories
Eating disorders can be divided into two main/major categories. The first is called anorexia nervosa, which involves limiting what you eat. The second category is called bulimia, which involves eating large amounts of food (binging) followed by an urgent need to vomit (purging). Certain types of overeating also may require medical treatment.

Persons with Anorexia Nervosa deliberately attempt to lose weight through self-starvation or starvation diet. They try to handle about how much food they will eat, they count calories, and often skip meals. They will deny any problem with their eating habits, and will resist any efforts made to get them to eat healthy or return to a more healthy weight.
It most frequently affects young women, but is also found among both genre of all ages. Usually occurs in age 10 to 18 but again, it can happen at any age.

Persons with Bulimia is characterized by recurring episodes of binge eating-the rapid eating of food, especially high calorie food within a few hours, bulimics either self-induce vomiting, use laxatives and/or diuretics or strict dieting.
Bulimia can have serious long-term physical consequences, such as damage to the stomach, tooth enamel and vocal cords. About 90 Percent of bulimics are women.

What's the treatment?
Help is available in many form, include family or individual doctors, psychiatrists, dietitians and elf-help support groups.

Deny that anything is wrong and pretend that everything is fine, actually will make the problem worse. Facing the problem as soon as possible is the first step to dealing with it.

Eating disorders are not the kind of problem that can typically be dealt with without the help of a medical professional. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you need help treating your disorder or the disorder of a loved one.

Psychotherapy can help people with eating disorders understand why they limit their food intake or why they binge and/or purge. This understanding can lead to healthier attitudes about food.

Meetings with an eating disorder support group and joining an eating disorder treatment centre are some well known resources to get eating disorder treatment.

You must know about the causes and myth of eating disorders. It will make you understand how to prevent or deal with it.

A right eating disorder treatment can lead you to a healthier and happier life.

Find a counselor in your area who specializes in treating eating disorders and let them help you through the process.

Finally, obessive diet sometimes can lead to eating disorder. Be careful in your weight loss campaign and don't fall into this wrong habit.

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