Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

It is what it is

My post earlier today was depressing. I re-read it this afternoon and cried. I could see the truth in what I said, but I also realized how stupid and pointless it all sounded. There's a saying that's overused at my place of work: it is what it is. It simply means accept the problem, stop complaining about it, and move on. That's what I intend to do about my body image issues.

I loved all of your comments, they were touching, sweet and caring. This blogland is a strange place. People that I don't even know reach out to me, comfort me, console me. Of all the kind comments, Ron's really hit home. Ron, thanks for kicking my big, fat, droopy, old butt (now that's a visual), and yes, I'm still speaking to you. You're right, I need to get over myself and live my life. I'm healthy and in good shape, at least on the inside. What am I whining about?

Putting so much value on personal appearance is a losing battle for a woman my age. It's only going to get worse, not better. I can't fight the aging process, I just have to learn to deal with it, grow old gracefully. What's on the inside is more important than how I look. Being a better person, a better friend and even a better wife. Maybe if I was a better wife, maybe he'd be a better husband.

As far as my sexuality, I've never felt sexier than I do these days. I'm sure the exercise and the new self-confidence in myself has a lot to do with it. The video, well, that was a little setback. Looking at myself with a critical eye, comparing my body to all the sweet, young things out there, that was foolish and unwise. After all, it is what it is, and I can live with it.

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