Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Taking a day off

I'm so tired, dead, bone tired. Maybe it was my weekend cleaning frenzy with no down time, maybe it was the fighting and arguing with my husband. Maybe it's the weather, gray and cool, with rain in the forecast. Or maybe I'm just tired of my life in general. Whatever it is, I decided at the last minute to stay home from work today. Not because I'm sick, but because I'm very, very tired.

I worked out this morning and it was another sucky workout. Two days in a row now where I've not been on top of my game at the gym. Where every movement was forced and tortured. I did some new upper body exercises yesterday with 20 and 25-pound dumbbells. My back feels like the muscles were stretched to the maximum. My shoulders and arms ache. I suppose that's good, that I'm building muscle, but it hurts. My butt is really sore too, but I don't know why.

What do I do with my free day? I had breakfast early and then took a two-hour nap. Now what? A movie? A bike ride (but it's suppose to rain)? Read a good book? I have several to chose from. Read blogs and actually comment? Maybe all of the above, minus the bike ride.

Not sure what I'm going to do, maybe I'll just go back to bed. I'm just so tired. I can't seem to shake it.

Here's a picture of my mother and myself 1997. I found it tucked behind some books during my cleaning out the bookcases. I weighed 135. God, I miss my mom so much. She was the sweetest, most awesome person I've ever met in my life. If I could go back in time I would have spent more time with her. I would never have left Alaska. If only we could turn back time.

Mom and me, 1997

Note: Going to the movies to see this. Looks fun, I love supernatural stuff.

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