Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

"Best weight loss pills"?

This post has nothing to do with fat burning pills or "best weight loss pills". I hear about these medicines all the time. Do they really work, well some do and some don't. Let me tell you a secret- there is no such thing as a magic pill, you have to work for it, trust me there is no easy way otherwise.

Well enough about fat burning pills for now. If you look around you, you will notice there are many things to do rather than try finding quick fixes for losing weight. You can pick up a sport as a hobby for e.g. I can tell you that I play soccer and that also happen to be my passion. I see players there who are overweight, unfit (like myself), who donot look for quick fixes like steroids, fat loss pills, fat burning tablets, who are their just to play soccer. They are not doing it impress someone, neither are they doing it out of some guilt- They are their to play the beautiful game for the love of it. Well guess what now they have something to look forward to everyday and it does not seem like work to them. I am sure you have had passion for something in you life which does not feel like work, like actively trying to lose weight. I would suggest that you should try to focus your energy on the more productive things in life- Go out and walk in parks (if you enjoy that), start playing some sport - soccer, badminton, tennis, swimming etc. I assure you this would help a lot -Firstly with your self esteem and secondly with your overall fintess. Again this is no quick fix as well but atleast you are enjoying do it.

So long for now. I will continue to talk about fat burning pills aka fat burner pills but time to time I will be throwing in a post like this.

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