Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Back from vacation, and I have no regrets

I got home around 11 p.m. last night, but didn't get to sleep until almost 1 a.m. Lots of catching up with the hubby last night/this morning. Turns out he really missed me while I was gone for nine days. I should do solo vacations more often. Right now I'm exhausted. The typical I need a "vacation to recoup from my vacation" story.

I had a really great time in Alaska, I always do. Did lots of stuff, lots of visiting with everyone, and lots of pictures (about 500 pictures--gotta love a 2GB memory stick). I'll post the pictures later, right now I'm late for work.

No exercise to speak of except swimming every day, but not swimming for exercise. It was swimming for fun, mostly playing with the kids or floating around on an inflatable chaise lounge. Even though it was 75-80 degrees all week, the water temperature was 68-70 degrees, which is very cold. Every time I got in the water it took my breathe away. The only way to stay warm was to keep moving, so I got a little exercise.

I weighed this morning, and I'm up to 163.4. I thought I had gained a lot more because it turned out to be an eating frenzy week. When you have kids around, there's a lot of junk food. Plus lots of family dinners with tons of food, and two Sunday brunches at the best brunch place in town. The brunch included 18 feet of desserts, and I had one of each. I just couldn't resist all the temptation.

Today is back to work and back to healthy eating, counting Points and exercise. Also a detox from the sugar. I think I ate more sugar last week than I have in the last year.

Even though it was fun eating all kinds of good food (Tillamook Udderly Chocolate is my new favorite ice cream), I'm glad to be home and back in control of what I eat. The next couple of days will be tough, but once I get through them it'll just be part of my routine again.

I have no regrets.

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