Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Leaving on a jet plane...VACATION!

Finally, a week of play. Even though this is probably one of the absolute worst times for me to leave work, I'm taking vacation. As my manager put it, there isn't a good time for me to go on vacation so just go.

I'm tired to the bone. Long hours for the last few weeks, burning the candle at both ends, catching a cold, more long hours. It has all wore me down to a deep tiredness that even a good night's sleep can't seem to shake.

Today is laundry, packing, running a few errands, cleaning up a few loose ends for work, the gym, and then catching a plane tonight to Fairbanks, Alaska.

These are my most favorite vacations. Complete and total downtime at my sister and brother-in-law's house that's 30 miles south of Fairbanks (on 400 acres). Staying up late talking, sleeping in, leisurely, slow-paced, relaxing.

We'll go swimming every day in their "gravel pit" swimming pool (you have to be from Alaska to understand). The weather forecast is for sunshine and 70's and 80's all week. We'll probably drive down to our old homestead about 80 miles south of Fairbanks, where I grew up as a kid. We always go out to Chena Hot Springs for a day. Plus it's Golden Days week in Fairbanks, which is a week long celebration of the discovery of gold. People dress up in early 1900's costumes, there's the Grande parade, and it's always fun time in Fairbanks during Golden Days.

There will be a few big family dinners with all the kids, about 15 people. My brother lives there too, as well as my two adult nieces that I adore, and their families and kids. I'm blessed with a great family. My family are people I'd be really good friends with even if we weren't related.

Of course, there's always a couple of black sheep in every family, but they aren't my blood relatives so they don't really count. Let's see, there's the alcoholic sister-in-law and the cross dressing nephew-in-law (they both live in Fairbanks). Makes life interesting at times.

Eating won't be a problem, my sister has been a health nut way before it was fashionable. Organic, whole foods and she eats like a bird. Except there's always candy, cookies, and ice cream, for the "grandkids". I'm not worried, that stuff doesn't bother me much lately. I've been feeling strong on the food front for some reason. I'm not sure what changed, but things like "frosting" haven't been appealing.

I'll have internet access but I usually don't get on the computer much when I'm there except to check work emails. So I'll be out of touch for a whole week. I hope everyone has a great week. Stay strong, try to eat clean, and get some exercise. Exercise is key to this whole lifestyle. You won't succeed without it.

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