Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

Lucy is going home!

Woohoo! I found the owner of the black lab. It took a bit of detective work, but I was able to track him down.

I called the Humane Society this morning, where she was adopted (AVID told me). They wouldn't give me the exact address, but said it was in the 2200 block of a street that's two blocks from my street. Best of all, they gave me the phone number that AVID had and when they called no one answered. AVID said the number must be bad and refused to give it to me.

I kept calling it all morning and no one answered, not even an answering machine, until about ten minutes ago. Finally someone picked up. He said they were worried sick about her getting onto the busy street two blocks from my house.

Her name is Lucy. Tonight Lucy gets to go home.

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