Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

Me + wine = trouble

Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it is good only for wallowing in."
~Katherine Mansfield

There's not a whole lot to say after the title of my post. I ate my heart out yesterday. It started with a couple glasses of wine, which always makes me not care about my eating. I know better than to drink and eat.

Then it was barbecued T-bone steak AND chicken with the skin. Chicken skin, how I love thee. Potato salad, I forgot how good white potatoes with real mayo tastes. Like a little bit of heaven. It was a true pigfest.

This was after I biked to the gym, did the StairMaster for 25 minutes and an insane lower body workout for 45 minutes, then biked home, for 640 calories burned. Even with all the exercise, my debacle afterwards put me way over on Points. After the third glass of wine, I stopped counting and truly didn't care anymore.

It's a new day, and I don't regret yesterday one bit. I ate too much and drank too much, but I had fun, and now it's back to eating well and exercising. Life goes on.

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