Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

One became two, two became....

Yesterday I had the holiday as an excuse for my out of control eating. Today I screwed up again.

It didn't help that I bickered with my husband on and off all morning which made our date this afternoon a little stressful. It's hard to be happy with each after arguing over such minutia like the garbage. Or me almost burning down the house with my cooking (he didn't see the humor). It was a lousy day, which I used as an excuse to eat.

I didn't eat anything fun like steak or potato salad or frosting, just too much of the healthy stuff. Too much skinless, baked chicken breasts, too many cherries, too much sugar-free mint chocolate chip ice cream. Too much food. The only good thing is it's 10pm, and I'm not at all hungry.

From past experience I know how this works. First it's just one day, then two, then before I know it, it's been a month and I've gained 10-15 pounds, then six months later and I've gained 60 pounds. I've been down this road before.

My plan for tomorrow is to hit the gym first thing in the morning. Then count my Points and drink lots of water. Two days will NOT become three days.

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