Jumat, 03 Juli 2009

Post-frosting report

Your comments on my frosting confession were so sweet (ha! pun intended). Seriously, you make me feel like I'm not such a freak for some of the stupid stuff I do.

I've put the frosting incident behind me, probably literally behind me as I'm sure it's planted itself on my big fat butt. I threw the other half of the can away when I saw the expiration date. It really didn't taste very good anyway. It was a sweet, chemical bitter taste, that's the only way I can describe it. Maybe it was the expiration date, maybe that's just the way it tastes. Regardless, it's gone.

I know I'll never be "cured" of this obesity disease. Sometimes I feel so strong, like I've conquered it. Then I have moments, sometimes hours or days or weeks (even months and years) where it consumes me. All I can think about is getting my next fix. If I succumb, like I did with the frosting, then I'm filled with remorse. I know this is a disease of some kind, maybe a disease of the mind or the body, I'm not sure. What I am sure of is that it's a sickness that's hell to be cursed with, and I will be fighting it every day of my life.

Putting all that aside, back to my 15 pounds in 15 weeks. I'm working on my plan to get there. It's four parts, Food, Exercise, Weight Watchers (living it for real), and the last part, not really about losing the weight, but it's called "stepping outside of myself". More on the plan later. I'm actually excited about it.

Busy day today, the refrigerator man is coming this morning. We've been using the garage refrigerator for two weeks, very annoying.

I've been given the task of getting emisisons testing on his truck. First time in our almost 21 years of marriage he's trusting me with this task. I know, silly, but he thinks it's a man thing to have an emissions test done. Anything car-related is his "job". Since two "man-jobs" need to be done today, he chose staying home to "make sure the repairman does the job right". So I get to take his truck in for an emissions test.

I also "get" to take my car in for an oil change. Something I've only done once in 21 years. It's not that I mind doing this stuff, it's just that my husband has always done it.

I feel like a big girl today, in the good sense of that term. I get to do car stuff .

Happy almost 4th!

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