Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

Day 223 - Power Of Positive Thinking

It's all in the mind! Really, it is!! When I am feeling confident and positive, that I am a healthy person, I act and feel that way. I make good choices without thinking and I live in a manner that creates health. My body will reflect my lifestyle.

So when I am feeling positive and doing positive things, the negative eating patterns are long gone and good choices are the norm. I had a funky week where I started to focus on what I have left to do. My perception changed and my trouble spots really started to...trouble me. With this thinking, I found myself subconsciously snacking. Nibbling on things throughout the day when I wasn't really hungry. I started to see negative eating patterns start to return. I am a snacker, and when I am snacking, I don't typically loose weight. Typically, I can gain wait on snacks. So with this change in my behavior, I started to thinking about the why. Why are my eating habits changing? I spent a few moments taking a mental inventory and then it hit me!! Nothing really had changed except for my focus, my thoughts!! Feeling positive will give positive results. Negative thoughts, give negative thoughts. Period. If I want to be truly successful in this journey, I need to be positive, no matter how I feel. If I am positive and confident in the process, a process I have already been able to prove to myself that works, I will have the success I desire. It's that simple. It really is ALL about positive thinking.

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