Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

I'm soooo excited!

My weighin today (this is NOT what I'm excited about):

Today's weight: 162.8

Gained: +0.8

Total Loss: -76.4

I gained 8/10 of a pound. That's not good, but not horrible either. I know why I gained, I ate too much food. Last week is history and now I have a plan.

My Weight Watcher Meeting Today

I love my leader, Janis. She's the absolute best leader I've ever seen (and I've seen quite a few in the last three years). It was just what I needed to get my diet mojo back. The meeting was about the Lose for Good campaign. It's where Weight Watchers donates up to $1 million to feed the hungry, based on how much weight their members lose.

The Lose for Good campaign starts tomorrow and lasts for six weeks, ending on October 10. Janis told us to set a goal of exactly what we wanted to weigh six weeks from now. She told us to write it in membership book next to today's weighin. I wrote 152.

At next weeks meeting we're suppose to bring in one item for the local food bank per pound we want to lose. Since I want to lose 10.8 pounds I'll bring in 11 items. Then we have to stand up in front of everyone and Janis will ask us two questions. She wouldn't tell us the two questions, it's a "surprise".

If we make our goal on October 10 Janis will give us $5. These aren't real dollars but are for an auction she does at the end of the year. A really cool auction where you can bid on great prizes (things like a weekend for two at a Mt. Hood resort).

This got me really excited. I'm determined to be one of the winners come October 10.

1. Lose 10.8 pounds by October 10 - six weeks from today

2. Exercise

~~~cardio 7 times a week, with one non-gym day of cardio. Biking or walking.
40 minutes minimum cardio workouts

~~~strength training 6 times a week, 3 upper body workouts, 3 lower body workouts
40 minute minimum strength

I already do this, but I just need to keep doing it and do different exercises. Mix it up a bit.

3. Food

~~~Journal everything. Weigh and measure. No more estimating Points. Be exact.

~~~Eat fewer processed foods. No sugar-free ice cream.

~~~Eat more "filling" foods.

~~~Points limit per day = 20 base + 4 APs + 5 weeklies = 29 max. per day

4. Visualize.

~~~Put notes all over the house, the car, my cubicle with the number "152" written on it.

5. Water

~~~~Drink more water. Being too busy is not an excuse to slack on the water.

I'm super excited about this. I feel like my goal is within my reach. I can do this!

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