Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Rimonabant - The Treatment of Obesity

Rimonabant works by blocking a receptor in our brain. By blocking this receptor, Rimonabant is believed to reduce the craving to eat more. If our brain is not receiving the signal to eat, then we will not have desire to eat.

There are areas in our brain that regulates hunger. Research into these areas of the brain, known as the cannabinoid receptors, led the scientists to developed this drug.

On February 2006, the FDA Issuing an "Approvable" letter for Rimonabant as a possible weight-loss drug, indicating that it could be approved for this purpose. Rimonaban approved for sale in Europe on June 2006 by European Commission. The EU's approval is in combination with diet and exercise for the treatment of obese patients. Rimonaban is made by French manufacturer Sanofi-Aventis (the world's third largest pharmaceutical company, ranking number one in Europe), under the name Acomplia.

But In October, 2008, the European Medicines Agency recommended that doctors not prescribe the Rimonaban drug due to the scary potential side effect. Data from ongoing clinical trials showed that Rimonabant users suffer mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, insomnia and aggressive impulses. In one study there were five suicides among Rimonabant users. On Oct. 23 the EMEA said "Enough" in 12 languages.

The receptors blocked by Rimonabant are prevalent in areas of the brain responsible for emotional control. Some hypothesized that when the CB1 receptor is blocked, the endocannabinoids are redirected to other targets. They spoke hopefully of compensatory mechanisms.

Many people today feel comfortable making purchases over the Internet, even of prescription drugs. But remember, perhaps there are many other drugs with scary potential side effect out there. Just warn you.

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