Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Three binge-free nights in a row

I know I really shouldn't talk about this because I'm going to for sure jinx it, but last night was night number three without binging. For some bizarre reason that I can't quite grasp, I feel in control. I also have permission to have a fiber filled snack of my choice with a point value of up to five points. I know it sounds like a lot, but I think it's better than just eating with abandon.

My new rule is I have to measure whatever I'm eating for my nighttime snack and calculate the points, enter it online, then eat it. Then wait 20 minutes before I eat anything else.

Just knowing I have this option seems to give me some sort of freedom. I don't feel as restricted and forced to be hungry when I really want to eat. Of course, it's only been three nights, but lately, that's a record for me. Two of the nights I didn't even have a snack. It's so weird how this is working for me.

Last night instead of eating I went on a manic housecleaning frenzy until 1 a.m. I think that was brought on because I caught an episode of the Hoarders on A&E. Ewwwww! I could see that becoming me. Probably not the rotting food part because that just totally grossed me out, but the hoarding of junk that I think I might need some day. Scary! Now my office is so bare it looks like no one even lives there. I have a pile of junk to take to Goodwill today.

Jack (my husband) is in class today. It's a class on ASP.Net, computer junk (b-o-r-i-n-g). He's gone for most of the day so I'm on my own.

Not much on the agenda except the following:

1. pick blackberries (bike ride included)
2. gym
3. Goodwill trip with my junk
4. make a new recipe I found in Shape magazine for dinner - Asian Beef Skewers with Cilantro Gremolata. If it turns out good I'll post the recipe later.
5. make Dan's Good Chili - from Hungry Girl cookbook
6. a little work stuff (since I'm drowning at work without enough hours in the day)...plus I want to test out using my new 24-inch monitor with my new laptop. Maybe the monitor and a clean office will make work more fun (yeah, right).
7. relax a little (I think I have that part already out of the way. I caught up on a lot of blogs today.).

I hope this is another binge-free day. Maybe I can even have another loss this week. That would be awesome. I think reaching goal is within my power.

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