Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

Yikes! 168 pounds!

I weighed myself at the gym this morning. I was 168! I almost died. I haven't seen that number in several months. I was wearing my gym shoes, had drank three cups of coffee and some water, but still, that's absolutely horrible.

If you read my post earlier this morning you know what happened. It's too much of a good thing. Eating out.

That weight on the scale shocked me into reality. I can't eat out every day or if I do, I have to really gain control. Eat half or less, don't take leftovers back to the room (I have a fridge and microwave), and work out harder.

After my little weigh-in freakout I decided I had to go to a spinning class for maximum burn. It was a killer class. In 45 minutes I burned 487 calories. I did weights for 40 minutes for another 200 calories. Total burned this morning was 687 calories.

I also haven't been drinking water this week because where I'm working has the women's bathroom on the other side of the security door which means I need an escort to get back in. The men's bathroom is inside security. Totally sexist and annoys the heck out of me. Today I'm going to drink a ton of water and they'll just have to escort me every hour or so.

Well, the fight is on. I feel pretty confident now that I know the damage I've done. I can get back on that horse. This time I'll be holding on for dear life.

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