Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

You are better than it (and today's weighin)

A picture taken at Chena Hot Springs, 60 miles outside of Faribanks. July 22, 2009. It has absolutely nothing to do with this post.

"Scientists say that body fat insulates, but we say that "it" covers our figure, making us appear flabby, weaker and less toned. It imprisons our body, depriving us of our self-esteem, confidence and energy. Be relentless; be who you really are. Deprive "it" of energy right back, increasing yours in the process. Force it to sweat and burn off the excess calories it needs to survive, grow, and imprison you. As body fat shrinks (atrophies), your freedom grows. Your real figure becomes more visible, as the curves and contours return to form. Your self-esteem and confidence, no longer held a prisoner in their own body, are free to breathe. You feel empowered and you project it."

I read this in the back of Shape magazine, in an ad for some sort of weight loss supplement. I normally don't even look at those ads, but the big letters "You are better than it" really caught my eye. This statement is well written and very true. We are all better than "it". We can fight "it". The desire to be healthy should be stronger than our desire to eat.

My weighin

Weight 8/22/2009: 162.0

Lost this week: -2.6

Total loss: -77.2

I went to Weight Watchers this morning and it was an awesome meeting. Today's topic was about crossing the finish line, getting from the start to the finish. Something I've been trying to do for months--make goal. She emphasized how important it is to make goal in order to maintain our loss. I know she's right and I walked out feeling empowered and back on track.

It was a been a pretty good week for me. I ate out twice last week, a Mexican dinner last Sunday and dinner on our anniversary on Wednesday. I had coconut prawns (I only ate three - food of the Gods) and sirloin steak (I ate about 4 ounces of the 7 ounce steak), two glasses of wine and a blackberry cobbler dessert with a slab of ice cream (shared with my husband).

The best thing about the week is that I didn't binge the last two nights. I hope I don't jinx myself, but I feel like I'm somewhat back in control of my night eating. I took some of your advice and allowed myself a snack at 9pm, if I really wanted it. Thursday, I REALLY wanted it, I made a blackberry smoothie with a Weight Watcher smoothie packet, 2 cups frozen blackberries (that I had picked the day before) and some water and ice. It was like a yummy milkshake and only three points. Last night I was more tired than hungry (and that hardly ever happens) so I skipped the snack.

My workouts are rocking because my beloved StairMaster is finally fixed. I love this machine! Here's a picture of her from today. She's not much to look at, but she really kicks my ass and I love her because she does it so well. Oh, and I named her Sadie. Sadie for the "Sadistic", she likes to cause pain.

I just need more weeks like this, so I can be better than "it" and finally cross the finish line.

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