Jumat, 11 September 2009

Day 15 & 16: What do these have in common? Hiking, Football, and P!nk

Me! They have me in common!

My husband and I are hiking in the mountains tomorrow. I can't wait. It's suppose to be spetacular weather this weekend. I'm super excited to get outside and burn some calories have some fun. I love hiking!

FOOTBALL! The season opening game, Seahawks versus Rams. My girlfriend that has 50-yard line tickets asked me to go with her. My husband is completely jealous. Sunday's forecast is sunshine which means the stadium roof will be open. Woohoo!

P!nk concert. I LOVE her! My husband is going with me even though he's not a super big fan like me, but he likes her. His favorite P!nk song is I'm not Dead (the Dear Mr. President song...my husband was/is a Bush hater). I doubt she'll sing it since it wasn't very popular. I love all her music.

Doing the happy dance because it's the weekend baby!!!

p.s. - taking the weekend off from blogging. Back on Monday.

p.s. again - I saw The Proposal with Sandra Bullock last night with a girlfriend. Best chick flick of the year. I was laughing so hard my cheeks were hurting. The part where she is running around holding up the little white dog for the eagle to grab is hysterical! I loved this movie, it's a must see. It was suppose to have been filmed in Sitka, Alaska, but I could tell it wasn't...looked it up later and filmed in Rockport, MA. Too bad. Sitka is gorgeous.

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