Senin, 28 September 2009

Day 271 - Still Going Strong Even During Vacation

Last week my husband got the news that one of his uncles passed away unexpectedly. He decided he needed to go visit. Last minute we decided to go as a family. 5 days and nearly 2000 miles later, I am so excited to say that my efforts to make my goal are still on!!

Luckily most the hotels we stayed in had gyms with elliptical trainers so it was easy to hop on in the evenings after a full day. There was one challenge though. One night, the hotel we stayed in didn't have a gym! It's so easy to keep a habit when there is some sort of gym equipment nearby. So what did I do? I took a brisk walk along a jogging trail with my sister-in-law. Unfortunately it got late which meant it started to get dark and we were unable to walk as far as we would like to have gone, but we did enough to get all warm, limber and a mildly sweaty. Next time I find myself on vacation without a gym, I simply need to plan my time better.

I am excited to say too, that while gone from home and out of my habitat, I maintained even though we ate fast food at every meal. I am SICK of fast food!! The worst part about travelling is not having a kitchen. The whole week after we got home I was craving veggies like an herbivore! It's crazy to think that you don't have to gain weight by eating fast food all the time, you really don't. Just eat smaller portions. I ordered 1 small thing from the menu and if I wanted fries, I ate a couple from someone else in the family. One thing for certain, if your diet is largely made up of fast food, you might be able to stay thin with the proper food choices, but you are SEVERELY depriving your body of necessary nourishment!! You get the macronutrients with fast food (Fat, Carbs, Protein) but you are missing out on the micronutrients (Vitamins and minerals). You need both to be healthy so your body will function properly.

For the last couple of months I have maintained my weight, and I am happy about that. If I am forever a size 10, I won't complain. But I have to say, I would really like to loose 10-15 more pounds. I want to be far away from the "Obese" category I was in the beginning of the year at a BMI of 30.5. Right now I am in the "Normal" category with 24.2. But that is on the upper end and I don't want to dance with that line! Here is the site if you would like to figure your BMI (There is also a place where you can figure your child's BMI if you are curious)

I have recently been getting ready to ramp up my efforts to see if I can drop a few more pounds. Our baby has been transitioning his naps and without proper sleep, it's hard to keep focus on personal goals! So I have been maintaining, which is a good thing. But I know I can do better. Logging onto this site today and noticing the number of visits, that is a really big motivator too!  THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!!

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