Selasa, 29 September 2009

Day 272 - Additional Goal

Here it is. I am putting it out there. A new goal I have is to have some "after" pictures by the end of the year. This is going to be a challenge, but I have faith! I need to not only get through the holidays by not gaining, but I need to do it while trying to loose the "stubborn 10." I'll try to post more as a motivation for me to be accountable! I can do it if I can keep focus...

Tonight's dinner was something new and I had to share. I made mini meat loaves. One whole pound of lean beef made 8 the size of my palm. They were so satisfying!! I served them with a scoop of broccoli mashers. Basically you make homemade mashed potatoes with the addition of broccoli to the pot. Drain when tender and proceed to make as you would regular mashed potatoes. (I added a little garlic to them too.)

I ate two loaves for dinner with a healthy scoop of mashers since I had a very small lunch. You could easily just eat one loaf with a regular portion of taters and be satisfied if you needed a lighter dinner.

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