Sabtu, 05 September 2009

Day 8: End of week 1 weighin

I haven't gone to Weight Watchers yet, it's not until 11 a.m. I'm ridiculously nervous. It's like I studied for a big test, goofed off a couple of nights so maybe didn't study as hard as I should have, but have high hopes of pulling off an A. I know it's silly to feel like this, but it's a good nervous. It means I'm taking this seriously, this business of getting to goal. Something I haven't done for months.

I had my best workout of my life yesterday afternoon. I had the day off and goofed off all day until 4 p.m. when I decided I'd better hit the gym.

I have some new tunes on my iPod, my new favorite is Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship (best workout song ever!)--see video below.

My body was super powerful and strong. Maybe the two bad days of workouts I had last week was letting my body heal and get stronger. I don't know what happened but I just know I loved it. According to my heart rate monitor I burned 611 calories in an hour and a half. A record for me. It's usually around 500. Sadie is my best friend, best cardio machine ever made!

I'm debating about working out before my weigh in. Sort of a last chance workout thing like they do on the biggest loser. After last night's workout that might be too much. I think I'll have a lazy Saturday morning instead. I'll post again after my weigh in.

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