Minggu, 06 September 2009

Day 9: You think this is hard? You are NOT alone.

I wasn't even going to talk about this, but just in case there's someone else out there that's feeling hopeless about losing weight, that feels like they can't get this figured out, that sometimes it seems like it's just impossible to win at losing...well, you are NOT alone.

After my great loss yesterday, eating healthy all day, purposely staying out of the gym so my muscles and body could recover from several back to back intense workouts, I blew it last night.

I finished off the can of Reddiwip (and yes, it's really spelled like that, without an "h"). It was three cups of yummy goodness, equivalent to 18 Points. That made yesterday a 49-Point day. That leaves me with 4.5 weekly Points and nothing in the bank for Activity Points (so far). It's going to be a very long week.

It all started innocently enough. I was going to have some sugar-free strawberry jello with a couple tablespoons of Reddiwip. The Reddiwip is only 15 calories and 1 gram of fat per two tablespoons. The jello hadn't set up yet.

I should have just gone to bed and gone to sleep. I tried, I really did, but I couldn't stop thinking about the Reddiwip. At least this time I used a measuring cup. Three cups later I felt satisfied, although somewhat annoyed with myself.

My point of this post is that we all slip up and mess up. I seem to more than most, yet I can still lose weight. I know I'm going to make goal in spite of these continual slip ups.

It's really about how we handle these slip ups. Do we beat ourselves up? Do we just give up because it's so hard? Do we cry about our lot in life, that we're saddled with this unhealthy addiction to food? I felt all of that last night. I had the "poor me, this is so unfair, I'm such a screw up" attitude. You know the routine, you've probably done it to yourself a million times.

When I woke up this morning I felt a twinge of regret, but I know that today I will get right back on program, just like I do every time something like this happens. It's going to be a tough week, with a lot of hard work ahead of me, but I will not let this little lapse define my week or define me.

Yes, it's hard, and you're not alone if you feel like it's next to impossible to lose weight. Just remember, in spite of everything, it is possible.

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