Rabu, 23 September 2009

Day -- I don't know anymore & yes, yes, yes!

Yes, I deleted my last two posts. I re-read them and didn't like what I wrote. They never happened.

Yes, I changed my blog design, again. The hot pink/red color made me nauseous .

Yes, going to bed earlier works wonders. I can't make it by 9 p.m., but two of the last three nights I was in bed by 9:30 p.m. I feel so much better.

Yes, I'm counting calories now. I'm writing down every bite. I've done this for three days and it's helping. This is easy because I know the calorie count of almost every food. It's really the same as tracking online, but writing it down is making a difference. I'm not sure why it's working, but I'm not going to analyze it.

Yes, I've been binge-free for three whole nights. Not even any late night snacking. It's a miracle. I feel very much in control of my eating these last few days.

Yes, I'm still working out like a crazy woman. An hour and a half, six days a week. Still in love with Sadie.

Yes, I'm still doing Weight Watchers. Someone asked about the graph on my Saturday post and that's from the online weight tracker. I just love giving them $40 a month, as I've done for the past 19 months. I've missed the last two meetings but I'm going on Saturday.

The best yes...on Monday the scale said 169.8. This morning it was 163.6. YES!


p.s. I read a post within the last few days, the person had taken a seminar on the power of positive thinking. They talked about the S.O.S. plan. I don't remember where I read it, but thank you!

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