Senin, 28 September 2009






Nope... doesn't work. I feel like absolute turn-out.

Went to the weighbridge this morning gleeful and bouncy of step.

I put on 1 and a half sodding pounds this week.

I am sorry, but how is that physically possible????????? Hmmm????

No, so it just cannot be true, so i am just ignoring the fact and i am not even going to register it on my blog weight chart as its a pile of steaming sauteed horse humus.

I was amazed to put on my shorts this morning (for the pointless trip to fat git club) and find that they were loose and flappy at the front and over my bum. These are the same shorts that I wore on holiday and was uncomfortable because they were on the tight side. they are now relatively loose around the waist and definitely the right fit. They are so comfortable that i actually wore them on a mammoth bike ride this afternoon with DS. We set out with no particular place in mind, but ended up riding around the road past the shop, through the cut to the lake, around the lake, down the old railway track and out down the hill, out of the village, along the road for a few miles, watched the farmers harvesting beets for a bit, round the fen tracks and back through a long drove back onto the top of our road. Probably about 6 miles in total. We were out for a good hour and a half and it was great fun.

So I was impressed with my weightloss, or body loss this week and its been a good band day so far again. A nice bowl of home made celery soup, a protein shake and a few coffee's. I have definitely noticed if I get stressed or am in a rush, I cant eat/drink. That's really good to know as it means I have to get up in time on Saturdays in future and eat my breakfast first before I bother with my hair, or emails or whatever. give myself maximum time for eating.

So, as I have obviously lost weight that is tangible, even if it doesn't show on the scales, I am going to carry on in the same vein. It has been a pretty easy week, food wise, band wise and emotional stress wise. I am miffed that the result wasn't visible, but at the end of the day if I weighed 19 stone but was a size 10, I couldn't care less... its what you look like isn't it. I DEFINITELY look smaller in just one week. People have commented, DH has said, TB has said, our lodgers have said and I KNOW I have, so I am going to try and remain positive.

I am thinking that really last weeks weight loss of 6 and a half pounds was due to dehydration from the swine flu and being generally ill, so it probably wasn't a true weight loss.

I am going to consider it as my weekly goal for the moment is - I lost 2 and a half last week, and 2 and a half this week. There we go. That feels better already.


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