Minggu, 27 September 2009

Getting excited

I am sooooo looking forward to Slimmingworld tomorrow. I can hardly wait. I have been such a virtuous little lap-bandster I am looking forward to hitting my 30lb down goal - so I need 2 and a half pounds to meet that. I reckon I will have done that for sure.

Funnily enough I actually feel thinner in myself. I was lying in bed and thinking how strange it was to have a flat tummy. Its not so puffy or pudgy as it was just a week ago and to have actual noticeable size changes in just a week, means that things must be going well. I know muscle weighs heavier than fat, so the loss might not be great, but things are shifting around underneath my clothes alright! Its wonderful.

Yesterday I had a little treat for being good all week. I get two omnibus editions of my favorite shows - Home and Away and Neighbours. So I sat down with a pint of squash, a coffee, a glass of wine and 2 slices of cheese to last me the mammoth session! Both were serious tear jerkers this week with two main characters dying... talk about emotionally draining for the viewers, but very good. I was crying my eyes out for 4 straight hours!!

It was a great evening and we didn't get to bed until 2:30am. We followed that by a long lay-in this morning until 11am which was just Brill!

Yesterday actually started off not too good on the band front. When I am stressed or rushed it doesn't work. I got up with plenty of time to get ready for work & have a coffee and a shake, but things didn't go right. As I sat down to drink my coffee, I was thinking "gotta get this down and then go... I have 10 minutes bla bla" and the coffee just would not be told! Because I knew I had to drink it quickly, it did not want to perform... my band obviously doesn't like to perform under pressure. So I had half a cup of coffee and it sat there on my band ALL DAY from 11am until I came home at 5pm. When I got in I did the "1 minute sip rescue plan". This is a plan I have devised to get things back on track.

If you cant drink, eat or are a bit sore, then you have a teaspoon of water and wait a full minute and then have another teaspoon. then repeat until you are sure its not building up in on the band and going to come back at you. Then you reduce the time to 50 seconds and 40 seconds and 30 seconds and then take sips from the glass.... bigger and bigger until you are drinking ok. At the first sign of any pressure, you have to stop and wait.

This works every time for me. It just makes sure you are giving yourself time to sit it out and do it properly. I could then drink my protein shake and about an hour later I served the family lasagna and salad and I had a coffee, some soup and followed it with pureed ratatouille.

So yesterdays food was a lot less than other days. I had been hungry most of the day, and it interesting to me to find that I wanted to eat something in the evening that was high in calories for the first time this week. So maybe this is the key to success for me. Keep full during the day, take time out to have meals and then the hunger/cravings don't start in the evenings. well, it's something to think about.

Anyway, off to help DH hang a new door in our porch. Yay!

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