Selasa, 29 September 2009

Good food for tight bands

I have had to create some nice mushy, healthy and nutritious foods to eat whilst very restricted.
The first is an especial favorite of mine - Bubble & Squeak. I used the cabbage from Sunday's Roast dinner and some mashed potato. I fried some garlic in a little olive oil and then mixed it into the plain mashed potato, added black and white pepper for a good 'ole kick, and then chopped the boiled red cabbage into small bits and dry fried it all in a very heavy pan.

Here's the mixture:

Now then, I know that we are to stay clear of mushy foods... but not when you are on a mushy diet on purpose! I am very restricted after infamous fill #13, and am NOT going to work with it. this means that I have liquids most of the day - protein drinks, soup, yogurt, jelly etc. then in the evening, I have a little soup to start my band off and let my tummy know food is on the way, and then a mushy meal cooked low fat, and in a healthy way. This is a lovely tasty dish that gets the taste buds watering, is easy to chew thoroughly and always stays down.
So here is the golden, lovely result:

Another of my favorites at the moment, the ultra healthy, low carb, Ratatouille. everyone makes it differently, but here is my recipe for yumminess:

4 or 5 courgettes, 3 aubergines, 1 red, 1 yellow & 1 green pepper, 20 pitted olives, 1 can of chopped plum tomatoes, 2 large white onions, 3 veg stock cubes, salt and pepper and 1/2tsp chilli flakes. Add 2 litres of water and simmer for about 2 hours. The water reduces, and the onion and aubergine kind of disappear making a thick sauce. This made an absolute vat of ratatouille, prompting my lodger Sue to ask "Did you happen to work in an army kitchen in a former life?". I do tend to be able to produce MASSIVE portions of meals, and my freezer is stocked full of little plastic bags of leftover something or other! It's great if you ask me!

Now, this concoction makes about 20 bandster portions, and i froze them all ready. it defrosts beautifully, and also purees with ease, so if you feel its not going down, then puree away and its gorgeous. It also means you can add a little water and it makes a good soup too!

So there we go, some little things to try. I will update this a bit later and I am off to work now.

Bye for now

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