Rabu, 30 September 2009

Low resistance

I am so tired today. It's like I am half drunk or something.

I rushed around this morning cleaning up and doing bits and bobs, and then made a beef and onion pie from the last of the Sunday beef joint. I minced the beef and onion and added mashed sweet potato to it.

I bunged that in the fridge and then DH has a call from TB's DH about getting a new computer. So we shelve our plans of cinema, day of chilling out etc to traipse to the city and look at PC's. I semi wanted to get a pressure cooker, so decided - what the heck - I'll go too.

So, DH, TB and TB'sDH and I all went of the the city in the big red fun car. DH and TBDH went to PC world, and me and TB went to Argos.

I honestly didn't think that we would be out long, but things take time and we didn't get home until gone 5pm. I hadn't had a single thing to eat all day.

I had been so busy getting things done this morning, I hadn't had time for my protein shake, and I had only managed a coffee and some health pills - the black cohosh tablets I was going on about a few weeks ago remember?. Then of course, we hadn't been around at lunch time, so no shakes there either. We stopped at Aldi and I bought some orange juice, but couldn't drink it. I puked it up when we got back to TB's house.

I sat around there, and had to put into action the 'sip a minute' thing for the first time this week. It works really well. It really makes you think about what you are doing, and slows your processes completely. I managed a coffee before we came home which was good. When I got in I quickly made shake, but I was so tired and stressed even after that.

I made the pie and used the new pressure cooker to do the spuds and carrots, and it was all great. I had lots of gravy too. I managed a 2 finger sized portion of the pie, 1 half potato and about half a carrot with gravy. This was totally enough. Thank goodness my band didn't decide to be fickle this evening.

I am finding that the restriction is really mega in the mornings, and is still there in the evenings, but still nice enough to be able to eat a sensible dinner. I am not starving myself that's for sure!

I never did get to watch atonement, so I am off to watch it now - looking forward to it after the comment, so bye for now.

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