Selasa, 22 September 2009

Weight Loss Pills or not?

This is a a series of articles focusing on losing weight/cellulite and whatever you want to call it. We have been trying to identify what the best weight loss pills are.
1) Cellulite and weight loss pills:

Women around the world are victims of cellulite. Nobody can eliminate 100% of that. That would be a falsehood, but we can do things that improve the appearance of the skin in a large percentage. We must accept that cellulite is part of nature. Their causes are various, both eating habits and hereditary aspects regarding the circulation of blood and the quality of our skin, physiological, biochemical, physical and bodily composition, aspects of daily living. To improve the cellulite we must first review our life- all of the above. How is our diet, mainly relies on what we eat fat, sugar complexes in our diet. If we eat fiber, drink water and if your skin is well hydrated is also an important factor. If you do suffer from sudden changes in weight as that is harmful to skin elasticity. One of the major allies to fight and the best is to make regular physical activity, especially cardiovascular and toning character, along with all this we must eliminate harmful habits to affect our health-smoking, drinking Alchool, sleep less. People use all sorts of things including weight loss pills, fat burning pills creams exfolación market, self-massage, or go to beauty clinics with more sophisticated elements. Finally, but most highly recommended are changes in lifestyle, constant physical activity, hydration of the body and massaging the affected areas. Burning Calories cannot be done overnight. It needs patience, perseverance, effort, commitment. Remember there is nothing to eliminate cellulite by 100%. 2) Gastric Bypass
The thing to know is that this surgery is only justified when the risk of overweight is higher than the risks inherent in surgery. Practitioners should note that the patient's diet plans should be implemented and that is in a state of risk, due to drastic procedure.
What is gastric bypass? It is a technique that is less restrictive (Reducing food intake) and malabsorptive (causing malabsorption of them). What is done is an artificial connection between the stomach and the more remote areas of the small intestine, not allowing it to pass through those portions of the small intestine which absorb calories and nutrients.
Just a month after surgery, the patient can eat solid foods. Once the patient resumes oral intake, eating habits should change, you should eat slowly and chew food thoroughly, do not drink liquids during meals, and you can drink just thirty minutes later. Be reduced starch intake, you should drink only beverages with zero calories, and avoid fats and sugars. The food chosen must have high protein content, and the patient should take supplements of iron and calcium, since calcium is not absorbed well after the procedure and had major blood loss, iron must be taken to avoid anemic state. The recommendations to women is that they should be aware that surgery can result in fertility problems in patients at risk, and generally theyt can not get pregnant until the weight is stable. It is recommended that pregnancy should be delayed until 18 months after surgery. An easier option which people resort too are weight loss pills. Some people are looking for the best weight loss pills but there may not be anything like that.
3) Overweight, Tired- Thinking about using weight loss pills

If you know someone who is very overweight, and obese, you're probably in the presence of someone who really likes sweets. Your obesity may also be a symptom of alcoholism. It's easy to eat candy or sweets or alcohol and repeat this routine. They give you calories you do not need. The famous Dr. Yudkin said something wise: "Sugar and spirits share a unique distinction: they are the only food that does not give us nothing but calories." The other problem when we eat too many empty calories is that it kills the appetite to eat the foods that really do offer nutrients such as fruits and vegetables which not only give us glucose but also give us vitamins, minerals and fiber. There are people who have problems with their endocrine glands or have a poor function of other organs and thus do not metabolize food properly- that is true. But they are a minority. Poor diet is one that usually leads to obesity. A good way to Prevent Obesity and high blood pressure is to remove the carb "junk" from our diet. Avoid also eliminates other ailments like diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Choose foods high in fiber such as cereals, vegetables and fruits away from us and keeps us healthy overweight. And sugar must be replaced with substitutes such as honey, molasses or the famous maple syrup (syrup sap). Finally a question that our busy and sedentary city life. Far more important than "kill" diets only half an hour walk a day, very quickly can lead us to lose two kilos a month. So if you controlled your weight, eat well, not necessarily just, and at least walk a lot. That simple.
4)Best weight loss pills to lose weight or not?We are all trying to lose weight. We will do anything from trying all sorts of diets to using fat burning pills to do this.
We are continuously bombarded by a host of proposals to lose weight quickly and effortlessly. Most suggestive of all is precisely the ease and speed with which you say you will lose those five, ten or twenty extra kilos. These practices, far from being reliable, they are dangerous methods that will make you lose lots of money and a few kilos. That's why we have called pseudodiets - fake slimming treatments able to reduce their self-esteem and increase their frustration. Today, I propose to analyze some of the things to take into account when choosing a monitoring program for not becoming a victim of pseudodiets. Some of the warning signs that tell you that you are facing this kind of threat are: short time, many kilos. The pseudodiets promise a great weight loss in no time: 5 kilos in a week, 10 kilos in a month. These changes are mainly due to exaggerated loss of water and muscle mass, not fat reduction. Goals unattainable. Generally the success of these treatments is defined in terms of a single goal: to lose weight ... and resort to any strategy to achieve it. In true diets should be realistic goals and short-term, focusing on those changes in habits that will enable sustained weight loss. Your eating plan should be as few invitations, personal and not transferable, as is intended according to their own habits and needs. Do not accept a standardized menu of 1500 or 1200 calories. A real plan involves interviews, analysis, observation and periodic revisions. Very low calorie or weight loss pills used to help lose weight. Achieving your goal if you should eat two yogurts and a salad a day, surely is not meeting their nutrient requirements. In addition it will be impossible to follow this regime more than a couple of weeks instead of recovering the lost kilos (and some others) after leaving it. forbidden foods or using so called “best weight loss pills” to lose weight?. These pseudodiets tend to prohibit certain foods or entire groups of them (cereals, meat, fruits) without any foundation. A proper diet should be balanced and allow you to enjoy a wide variety of foods in certain proportion and frequency. Consider these warnings the next time you decide to start a new weight loss treatment. Remember that an effective diet plan should be designed by a professional nutritionist and will help you not only lose weight but to maintain a healthy weight for good.
5) Trying weight loss pills or ? try this diet for a change.

You can follow these diets which promise you to lose weight drastically or some of you will try using fat burning pill to help you get a kickstart. You decide?This diet was created by a cardiologist in Scarsdale, a New York resident. And it is based on a high-protein regime that full Version us to consume a small amount of fat (preferably moninsaturadas or polyunsaturated). This diet gives us between 800 and 1.200 kilocalories per day and was designed to take only a couple of weeks. We recommend eating chicken, fish, turkey, beef, milk, pork, cheese, vegetables and fruits. Avoid foods high in carbohydrates such as cereals, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice and sugar, also the oil, dairy and general alcoholic beverages. Between meals you can eat cucumbers, carrots and celery in free amount. ADVANTAGES In the book The good, the bad and the ugly of the 15 most popular diets, says that the Scarsdale diet helps you lose up to seven kilos in two weeks and is recommended because it contains many nutrients essential for a person. DISADVANTAGES As a diet that restricts carbohydrate intake, it becomes inappropriate for people who do a lot of exercise or even four or five times a week. Furthermore, by Providing energy sparingly, can cause a decompensation in people who do not have a healthy and balanced diet. Furthermore, the reduction is largely due to muscle mass and water instead of fat. By limiting the amount of carbohydrates such as cereal, bread and milk, the Scarsdale diet provides little iron, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, by reducing the liquid to mainly tea and coffee can cause dehydration Because these have diuretic effects. 6) Overweight and trying to lose weight using diet pills???Every day more and more people are suffering and that suffer the consequences of overweight and obesity. On occasions a global pandemic seems endless. Obesity is caused by various factors, and unfortunately people do not understand and believe that the obese are obese by simply eating more. This disease goes far beyond the willpower of a person, in fact the obese often eat less than the lean and obese. There is still much ignorance in regard to this issue and the worst part is that this own ignorance begins in obesity experts that erroneously first thing they do is to restrict food The overweight and obesity, is a proven fact that fat diets and eating thin. Lose weight diets lose weight are terms that are used much frequency. To lose weight you need to understand that originated the excess body fat, this accumulation may be due to many reasons, one of them is eating too much fat, but there are many others, like diet and prolonged fasting, genetic factors, stress, hormonal changes and many others. The first step in curing this condition is to keep a regime balanced and unbalanced, and dividing by 6 or 7 the number of meals day, it is important to note that the more times a day eats a person but accelerates your metabolism and burn more fat accumulated by multiples are recommended daily intakes, the ideal are 7 or more if possible. The second step is to eat foods with high nutritional content, as legumes, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and protein low in fat. Bringing order in meals and the percentage nutrients help your body so eliminate excess Of course, we recommend eating enough fiber with food, if necessary can be consumed in capsules as a dietary supplement, fiber and help to reduce fat gives you a sensation of fullness in the long run, avoiding attacks anxiety and binge eating. Diets work on occasions but only temporarily because weight loss usually does a year from over diet, the ideal is to change eating habits and help the body with some moderate physical activity to maintain a healthy control weight. 7) RDA or weight loss pills. Read on…
The diet is the set of nutrients that we eat and Full Version us to maintain a state of health and energy óptimos.Según the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances) A balanced diet is when it provides all the nutrients in amounts not less than 2 / 3 of The Contributions of diets recommended. The lower than 1500 calorie diets do not Ensure that proper nutrition and balance. The nutrients come from: 1-Protein 2-Carb 3-Fat A healthy eating plan, then these proportions should contain, noting that the calorie expenditure (highly recommended), with healthy habits of physical activity and daily movement. In a balanced diet, three things to consider when it comes to healthy eating: -Quantity -Quality -Variety Quantity: is linked to the calories, there must be a balance between the calories you consume and spend.
Quality: we need to Incorporate all the nutrients for a healthy nutrition: Carbohydrates: give us energy, is found in fruits, vegetables, breads, pasta (that it should be comprehensive). Proteins: Form and repair tissues, is found in legumes, nuts, meats, dairy, fish, chicken, etc. Fats: provide energy "potential" for our body ... Vitamins and minerals: they act as "middleman" regulate many bodily processes. For all this, it is of vital importance in a balanced diet, choosing foods (calories = fuel) quality!
Variety: It is recommended variety in foods, choose lots of vegetables brown rice, seeds, fruits (always consumed on an empty stomach before breakfast, for example.) Menosproteínas trying to eat animals (meat, etc). The daily living food (fresh fruits and vegetables) cereals, legumes, seeds, are very important to Incorporate nutrients of all kinds. To health and lose weight without risk of any kind must take into account several things. The first, is not to lose faster is better, if not the opposite. The pace right is 500 to 1000g per week. Another thing important is that diet should not restrict any food except fat, for obvious reasons. If you encounter such a diet of eating things "foreign" (exotic, other countries, etc), or eating fats ... but not proteins, or melon, watermelon ... etc etc etc ... better forget about it. Another point important is that in dieting, as in the healthy food in Overall, the staple diet should be carbohydrates complex, ie, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals, bread and vegetables. This means say that most of what we eat, these foods should be. Another important thing is to eat protein: meat, fish, eggs, dairy skimmed and vegetables. Always devoid of visible fat or skin your case. And finally, we must restrict the maximum fats: olive, butter, cheese, whole dairy products (chorizo, salami, etc.). industrial pastries, sweets, coca-colas and other sugary drinks, appetizers, nuts ... Ojo also generally oil, Which Although very healthy (olive oil of course), is also highly caloric, and is not recommended to diets. Avoid fried foods at all costs, and in any case, put a paper towel underneath to absorb the excess oil. Try cooking on the grill, boiled, baked, foil ... As important as the diet is to do aerobic exercise, ie long duration and moderate intensity: such as cycling, "aerobics", "step" walking or swimming. These exercises are designed to burn fat. If you want also do some light weights to tone and strength muscles ... better, especially if your intention is to lose several kilos. The Aerobic exercise should be at least half an hour, and at least 3 days a week. If you exercise and diet, the diet will be less effective, and sometimes almost ineffective. Marcate achievable goals and do not pretend 10 kg weight loss in a month, Because it is also not healthy. Another important thing: at least 4 meals a day, or 5. Obviously, dividing the total food in small doses. Also you have to drink about 2 liters of water per day, before meals if better, to remove a little appetite. An example of a balanced diet would be: The breakfast there should always be, and must keep a skim milk, cereal or bread, fruit or juice. In midmorning nonfat yogurt and / or fruit, yoghurts or two, or two fruit. (No grapes or banana). At dinner: A first vegetable with potato or rice accompaniment, or pulses and a second of meat, fish or eggs. For dessert fruit or yogurt. In one small snack snack of cold turkey or ham and / or a fruit and / or yogurt. At dinner: a vegetable first and a second fish, meat or eggs. Of yogurt dessert. Before going to bed can take a yogurt, a glass of milk, fruit ... Remember avoided if possible fats of all kinds. The less toméis, Which you have before bajaréis Because the body will use its reserves, Which is what it is. The best form for this is used to read the product labels. Try always take food with less than 10g of fat per 100 g. If more than 15g of fat per 100g is too fat to a diet of this type. To ensure a vitamin and mineral supplement should take some Supradyn complete as vitamin tablets. So a lot of people are trying to lose weight. Some use fat burning pills or other diet pills which promise one to help lose weight. Diet and exercise are the most important factors as we have already discussed. I will let you decide and leave you with this note.

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