Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Best weight loss pills or use these 2 tips

Cheer up! We offer ideas simple, but effective, to achieve the desired figure without starving or throwing in the towel at the first opportunity.

1 - Do not try the impossible: Weight loss takes time. Do not start any diet thinking they're going to be layers to lose 10 kilos in a week. If you do this fully insured failure.

2 - Do not die of hunger as this is a useless sacrifice. Your body needs at least 1,000 calories a day.

3 - You should eat: that of "If you do not eat anything, adelantáramos" is a lie. Not eating all you get is seriously harm your health.

4 - Use dessert plates: even to take the main dishes. You will eat less but get the feeling that comes over.

5 - Do not eat in haste: Chew each bite. Remember that feeling of satiety to your brain gets a quarter hour after starting a meal. If you are of those who eat in 5 minutes, intend to chew each mouthful a certain number of times. This fills you more.

6 - Do not you feel after eating: Perform any activity that helps you burn calories.

7 - Do not be tempted by the candy: When you feel hungry, suck a lemon or an apple comment.

8 - Exercise training: Always use common sense. It is no use "kill" one day, then if the soreness will not let us move in a week, or do an activity very strong, if not our custom.

9 - If one day you make an extra fret not.

10 - Learn it well: read magazines of nutrition and dietetics, if you are well informed nutritional not to make mistakes.

11 - always outweigh Diets: Staying only with the message "I can not eat" is a quite negative and quite small to see. That terrible phrase can be replaced by: "I could wear a bikini" "be healthier". Thus, the diet will not be a disappointing end but a means to gratify you.

12 - Do not be confused with your feet over your physical integrity: And much less of you. There are women that if they do. By the mere fact of being fat are rejected to the point of hating themselves. This lack of valuation is making it very difficult process of thinning.

13 - If you feel like eating first drink a glass of water: If this is not enough uses a crudité - pickles, onions, carrots ... -: Really like the bug is appeased.

14 - Do not forget to make 5 meals: The three main and two snacks midmorning and midafternoon. Your body burn calories more slowly than in a heavy meal.

15 - Remove the fat from food and degreased stews and broths: Remove the skin from poultry, white meat and ham, with a skimmer removes the layer of fat floating on the surface of soups.

16 - Detox time to time: Make a detox diet. Try to be one day a week just fruit and vegetables.

17 - Check your weight once a week: It's not that get obsessed with the scale, but it is good that you avoid reality check.

18 - Change Image: Cut your hair, try a new makeup ... everything that helps you look better also help you when you stand firm while dieting.

19 - Maintaining Order: Living, and especially eating, in a relaxed and orderly helps improve willpower, which makes it more difficult to overdo it with meals.

20 - tip: truly the best way to lose weight is to eat half of what they ate, and make twice sport that was practiced.

Make sure that we try to lose weight in a healthy manner. It is ok the supplement your dieting skills with weight loss pills but keep on the right tract and you will do great.

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