Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

Day 302 - Healthy Autumn Treat for Breakfast or Whenever

If you love pumpkin pie you will love this!!  Basically, it's the recipe on the back of Libby's canned pumpkin (NOT Pumpkin Pie Filling) and instead of putting it into a crust, you bake it in a casserole dish.  It comes out super moist like a custard. It's full of fiber, nutrient rich pumpkin and protein items such as milk and eggs.  Notice I called it a "treat", there is sugar in it so you don't want to eat your weight of it, (Although you can only eat so much pumpkin before you have that full feeling).  It's great to have warm for breakfast or a mid-day snack.

My kids LOVE it, even the baby gobbled a bunch before his nap.  What a great snack for the kids to eat too!!  Notice the picture is only half of the casserole dish?  That wasn't just for artistic presentation, it was the only part that was left after the kids dug into it.  Just after it was cool enough to eat, the kids grabbed bowls, spoons and within seconds, half was missing.  Like I said, the stuff is good and the kids just got a boat load of vitamin A to last the day along with some vitamin C, Potassium and Folate.

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