Senin, 16 November 2009

Lose Fat and Get Fit

Young man with bicycle in officeWhen people began the long trip to lose weight, they usually already set to lose a “?” pounds as a goal. Usually this is done by following a diet program combined with regular exercise. Regular exercise is what usually makes a lot of people give up. Some say there is no time, others say they are too tired from work. But the problem of obesity will force them to do something. Like the cold will force people wear thick clothes, even if they don’t want to.

Some of them choose to go to the office by bicycle. This can be done if the distance between the home office not too far away. You would not want to arrive at the office with sweaty conditions, coupled with the smell of ....

Cycling can indeed be the good option. Especially if you live in areas with dense traffic. You can take shortcuts through the path, especially the small streets where cars can't fit. The result you become more familiar with your neighborhood and help you reduce stress because you have to queue for a long time in traffic jams. And most importantly you will become healthier.

Cycling will make you get up a little earlier and this may make you pass the time drinking coffee in the morning. So you are free of caffeine. Or maybe less if you drink coffee in the office afternoons. Too much caffeine is not good for health.

Can I lose weight by cycling? If you did this regularly, almost every day, and ate a healthy diet, you could expect to lose about one pound a week. And don't forget to read this article about Bicycle Safety Tips.

Image credit :; Photographer : Dean Sanderson

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