Jumat, 13 November 2009

Weight loss pills and living with obesity

Why do you think the weight loss pills marketing is booming?? It is because fat burning pills among other methods of weight loss promise to treat obesity. Obesity is a health problem, but it also brings various mental disorders, ranging from social rejection to anxiety and severe depression. People with obesity or who are overweight are often critical, about negative comments are usually the focus jokes, and are victims of discrimination. All these experiences have an important role as they undermine people's self esteem and can be a determining factor in body image problems.

Obesity is a problem that the person must adapt too, and brings a number of physical limitations and psychological problems, without ignoring the weight of society, as most things are made for thin people.

It is found that low self-esteem is associated with greater weight and overweight people tend to have a more dependent personality. We also know that when a person starts developing obesity early on they have more problems to adhere to treatment either psychological or medical. People who start with this problem in adulthood, usually seek social support and help to achieve well-being both physically and psychologically.

The early onset of obesity may influence body image that the person has of itself, causing low self-esteem and promotes social avoidance behavior. As a result, there is a deficit in interpersonal relationships and life satisfaction level of the individual. Obese people are at greater risk of a poor quality of life, as everyday involves greater difficulty for them: as the influence of the media extolling thinness, going to buy clothes and not find the size necessary, dining becomes something shameful, to take leave in public places, unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships, to enjoy leisure activities, etc.. With regard to health, is also affected, and the quality of life decreases due to the limitations, conditions and diseases that obesity brings.

Some people tend to be more introverted, to feel shame and guilt for not being thin, may experience rejection from society, and sometimes of his own family, there are feelings of sadness and disability, they feel that the world is not made for people of his stature. Sometimes there is also denial of his own problem, which makes it difficult to accept and adhere to a beneficial treatment for them. It becomes a vicious circle where obesity causes depression and depression makes them eat more than they should. Of all the emotional consequences and problems associated with obesity, the result of decreased quality of life, one could say that depression and / or anxiety are more common, and built an effective program to combat them, and thus avoid that they promote an increased weight gain.

These problems are much more common than thought, and obesity is a condition that should be treated with a team of people specialized in different areas: doctors, psychologists, nutritionists, etc. Although weight loss pills like the "best weight loss pills" help a great deal they are not the only way of fixing this. It does require a slow targeted way of approaching the goals.

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