Minggu, 01 November 2009

Weight Loss Pills or Dieting

Everybody is looking for the next miracle weight loss pill. We have all been there and have tried number of weight loss pills OTC in hope of finding the next miracle pill which will melt our fat away so that we can look slim and fit as ever.
Today instead of talking about weight loss pills I would like to lay down some basic principles about healthy diet. Soon I will be talking about different diet pills as I did in the past and reviewing them and their efficacy etc.

There are some foods that are fattening in their composition. This article will help you understand why it is important that some foods are more present in our diet than others. Let us see what the golden rules are to keep in mind if you really want to lose weight:

- Eat leisurely chewing well, this helps to increase satiety and digestion are lighter, which helps you not gain fat.

- You need not skip any meal, as the following will make you hungry and you will lose energy and be cranky.

"If between meals have a 'dip' bites like carrot or an apple that is ok. It also gives very good results in a tin of mussels or cockles, but seasoned with lemon juice only.

Increase the CONSUMPTION of vegetables, salads and whole grains. They provide the fiber necessary for good bowel movement and fiber also reduces the caloric density of meals.

- Drink water between meals to increase satiety and purify your body, but not get obsessed with quantity. Remember that if you eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits they provide a good amount of water.

- You have to do a little quick step to activate the entire body, ideally daily walk an hour. It should also be ascending and descending stairs, helps keep leg muscles strong and prevents the collapse of the buttocks.

- Regulates salt, sodium containing fluids. This may produce an increase in blood pressure. Use herbs and spices.

- Taking low-fat dairy products, which provide all the calcium and protein you need but with half the fat and therefore a much lower calorie intake.

"Do not get obsessed with the scales. Weigh yourself once a week, the first kilos are fast losing, but then it slows down. If you obsess this would impact adversely on the effectiveness of the diet.

"Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day. There is a golden rule that says heavy breakfast, lunch and dinner just normal. Follow it and see the results, note that at night we burn fewer calories and therefore the stored left over quickly. No more than three tablespoons of olive oil daily. Make grilled meat or barbecue painting with a little oil.

Eat plenty of fish, know that even the most fatty fish like salmon contains far less fat than a lean, high protein and very few calories.

- Also the fruit is a good ally, but some have too many calories. Choose apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, cherries, strawberries and oranges.

- While trying to lose weight you forget your spirit, your energy decrease promotes weight gain.

- If you like beer that is alcohol-free taste it is no different than normal and their health effects are beneficial.

- Consistency is the most important rule when it comes to dieting, there is nothing worse than starting each Monday to regulate what comes to leave on Wednesday and start on Monday. - It creates a vicious circle and can have major problems.

make sure that you keep your spirits up. Stay tuned as we will soon be talking about diet pills and their reviews.

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