Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Good Timez

Oh it was so cool today. Yesterday I ordered a new mobile phone. I had needed one for some time because it was just playing up all the time, and I had absolutely no signal whatsoever in the places I go, so I changed network and ordered my new phone. Well, surprise surprise... with my new mobile phone I got a free gift to choose from. I could NOT believe the choices...

£150 cash back, or a Nintendo Wii with Wii-fit plus, or a PS3, or an XBox 360 Elite or all kinds of other stuff (I am in the UK by the way, so anyone wanting to get the same deal as me will have to also be in the UK), and I was AMAZED. Well, first I thought it was a complete con or something, but it wasnt. The only relatively non 'problem' was that the contract is for 2 years. Well, thats not a big deal for me, I havent changed my phone for 2 years anyway and it was Shit! So I am getting a new phone with 400 mins, unlimited text messages for £25 a month with a FREE XBox 360 Elite Live with the game Forza 3 racing... i was already paying £30 a month for less minutes and 200 txts... so I canceled that swine and got this!

If you want to get a similar deal http://www.mobiles.co.uk/refer.aspx?refer=cust1045074

Well, lets just say that when the post came this morning after DS had been bursting his guts waiting for it he was over the moon excited and screaming:

There is something so awesome about getting something for nothing, but also it being exactly what your child has wanted for, like, ages!!! He was so excited yesterday. We were going to get him an Xbox in the January sales and he was practically faint with expectation for that, let alone getting it now! As another little treat, DH came home from work with a brand new flat screen TV for him and a Free View ariel so that he can watch Sky TV in his bedroom and play on his new Xbox. Up until now he has been using our old crappy TV from about 10 years ago which has definitely seen better days. So he is happier than a pig in muck right now!!

Its so cool giving really unexpected gifts and I get such enjoyment out of watching him being all happy and amazed and dazzled and over the moon. He is such a grateful little boy and so deserving. He really is the most humble and loving son a mother could hope to have.

Onto me... I was gutted today when I went to an old favorite shop of mine. I read your comment, Tina, about being harder for us here, and it certainly is. It got me thinking about a shop called The Daily Bread which does all kinds of Organic stuff and I had kind of forgotten about it. Its in Cambridge so its a bit of a trek, but I went this afternoon. Well I WISH I had gone before. I could have saved myself £50 on Mason jars!!! How gutted. I bought 20 1lb jars and 20 2lb jars for £15 and 40 replacement lids for £3.50. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
So I guess I will only use my precious Mason Ball jars for very special foods. I can get these other ones any time, and they are cheap. The only problem is that they don't have a safety button on the cap, but I guess when you open them, if they don't make that nice THUNK sound, then its no go. I could not believe I could get them there, and I had searched everywhere on the net. *Blows lips out*

Ended up spending a small fortune in The Daily Bread too. I had run out of Granola, and I thought "make my own?" so bought all the ingredients for it:

and the result:

Mmmmm. Also found my favorite honey for £2.85 per lb as opposed to £4.25 a lb if you buy it by the 1lb jar. Bargain!

Got lots of herbs, and other bits including my favorite Canadian wholemeal flour and White Manitoba flour. They make my wonderful loaves.

So a good day today, I actually don't think i have eaten anything at all today - nope, I havent. How random, not been hungry! But I am about to have braised lamb and onions with roast tatties and sugar snap peas. YUM.

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