Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Best weight loss pills epidemic

Why are we looking for weight loss pills when the truth is in front of us- There is no quick fix. Yes sometimes they help but thats it.

The smooth functioning of our body requires daily diet contains a number of vitamins such as "Group B", responsible for producing hormones, proteins, enzymes, energy, obtained through the foods we eat (chicken, beef, pork
(liver and offal), fish, whole grains, rice, oats, wheat, nuts, cheese, beans, eggs, green vegetables, etc.), which will allow us to maintain good heart, blood system, nervous immune, in short, a comprehensive health both physically and mentally.

Within this group we find the vitamin "folic acid or vitamin B9, its consumption is very beneficial for all types of people (eg, participates in the production of red blood cells), especially for women who want children or receive the first stage of pregnancy because it will help prevent birth defects that alter the fetal central nervous system, ie the brain, brainstem, cerebellum, spinal cord, producing conditions such as spina bifida, anencephaly, hydrocephaly, etc.. So much so, that a child born with one of these malformations, may present blindness, deafness, unconsciousness and instability to pain, paralysis, difficulty with concentration, memory, etc..

Also the intake of the vitamin, helps the prevention of certain disorders affecting the tissues of the oral cavity, namely, the case of "harelip or cleft lip and" Palate "or cleft palate, among others. It should be noted that it has detected that this vitamin limits the risk of premature births and underweight children.

While folic acid is found in some foods as I mentioned above, these do not provide enough for a woman to prevent birth defects, that is why we must consume it in its synthetic form as a supplement (tablets, pills, etc.) .

In January 2007 an article was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which highlights the importance of folic acid in the maternal diet, it suggests a daily intake of 4 mg of this vitamin for those mothers with high risk who have had offspring with congenital abnormalities (anencephaly and spina bifida), and a daily consumption of 0.4 mg. for other women.
It is recommended that, if within their plans is bringing a new being into the world, turn to your doctor who will instruct in the preventive care

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